Zentralblatt MATH
Publications in Geometry
Zbl 012.27010
Erdös, Paul; Szekeres, George
, A combinatorial problem in geometry.
Compositio Math. 2, 463-470 (1935).
[Reviewer: S.Bays (Fribourg)]
, 51-99
Zbl 043.16202
Bateman, Paul T.; Erdös, Paul
, Geometrical extrema suggested by a lemma of Besicovitch.
Am. Math. Mon. 58, 306-314 (1951).
[Reviewer: László Fejes Tóth]
, 52A40 52A10
Zbl 060.34805
Erdös, Paul
, On sets of distances of n points.
Am. Math. Mon. 53, 248-250 (1946).
[Reviewer: M.Zacharias]
, 51-99
Zbl 061.40105
Erdös, Paul
, Some remarks on connected sets.
Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 50, 442-446 (1944).
[Reviewer: H.Terasaka]
, 54D05
Zbl 063.00098
Anning, Norman H.; Erdös, Paul
, Integral distances.
Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 51, 598-600 (1945).
, 52A99
Zbl 063.01271
Erdös, Paul
, Integral distances.
Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 51, 996 (1945).
, 52A99
Zbl 075.17702
Erdös, Paul; Fejes Tóth, László
, Die Verteilung von Punkten in einem Bereich. (The distribution of points in a domain.)
Magyar Tud. Akad., Mat. Fiz. Tud. Oszt. Közl. 6, 185-190 (1956).
[Reviewer: F.Kárteszi]
, 51N99
Zbl 079.07802
Erdös, Paul; Marcus, S.
, Sur la décomposition de l'espace euclidien en ensembles homogènes. (On the decomposition of the Euclidean space into homogeneous sets)
Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung. 8, 443-452 (1957).
[Reviewer: G.Kurepa]
, 51-99
Zbl 084.05403
Erdös, Paul; Piranian, G.
, The topologization of a sequence space by Toeplitz matrices.
Mich. Math. J. 5, 139-148 (1958).
[Reviewer: K.Zeller]
, 54A20
Zbl 091.35402
Erdös, Paul; Vincze, István
, Über die Annäherung geschlossener, konvexer Kurven. (On the approach of closed convex curves)
Mat. Lapok 9, 19-36 (1958).
[Reviewer: I.Fáry]
, 52-99
Zbl 094.16804
Erdös, Paul
, On sets of distances of n points in Euclidean space.
Publ. Math. Inst. Hung. Acad. Sci., Ser. A 5, 165-169 (1960).
[Reviewer: H.Lenz]
, 52-99
Zbl 102.37004
Erdös, Paul
, On some geometrical problems
Mat. Lapok 8, 86-92 (1957).
[Reviewer: F.Kárteszi]
, 51M04
Zbl 103.15502
Erdös, Paul; Szekeres, George
, On some extremum problems in elementary geometry
Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Rolando Eötvös, Sect. Math. 3-4, 53-62 (1961).
[Reviewer: H.Lenz]
, 51M04
Zbl 114.14102
Erdös, Paul; Hajnal, András
, On the topological product of discrete \lambda-compact spaces
General Topology and its Relations to modern Analysis and Algebra, Proc. Sympos. Prague 1961, 148-151 (1962).
[Reviewer: G.Grimeisen]
, 54D45 54A25
Zbl 127.27603
Erdös, Paul; Few, L.; Rogers, C.
, The amount of overlapping in partial coverings of space by equal spheres
Mathematika, London 11, 171-184 (1964).
[Reviewer: E.Hlawka]
, 52C17 11H31
Zbl 132.03203
Erdös, Paul; Rogers, C.A.
, The star number of coverings of space with convex bodies
Acta Arith. 9, 41-45 (1964).
[Reviewer: H.Groemer]
, 52C17 11H31
Zbl 158.40603
Erdös, Paul; Straus, E.G.
, Über eine geometrische Frage von Fejes-Toth. (On a geometric question of Fejes-Tóth.)
Elem. Math. 23, 11-14 (1968).
[Reviewer: O.Giering]
, 52A10 52A15
Zbl 218.52005
Erdös, Paul; Méir, A.; Sós, V.T.; Turán, P.
, On some applications of graph theory. II.
Stud. Pure Math., Papers presented to Richard Rado on the Occasion of his sixtyfifth Birthday, 89-99 (1971).
, 52B05 05C99
Zbl 257.52016
Erdös, Paul; Grünbaum, Branko
, Osculation vertices in arrangements of curves.
Geometriae dedicata 1, 322-333 (1973); correction 3, 130 (1974).
, 52A40 52C17 05C99
Zbl 274.50006
Bankoff, Leon; Erdös, Paul; Klamkin, Murray S.
, The asymmetric propeller.
Math. Mag. 46, 270-272 (1973).
[Reviewer: O.Bottema]
, 51F99 52A10
Zbl 278.50008
Erdös, Paul; Klamkin, Murray S.
, A triangle inequality.
Publ. Fac. Electrotech. Univ. Belgrade, Ser. Math. Phys. 412-460, 117- 118 (1973).
[Reviewer: F.Fava]
, 51M25 52A40
Zbl 298.52010
Erdös, Paul; Newman, D.J.
, Exhausting an area with discs.
Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 45, 305-308 (1974).
[Reviewer: E.Jucovic]
, 52A40
Zbl 303.52006
Erdös, Paul
, On some problems of elementary and combinatorial geometry.
Ann. Mat. pura appl., IV. Ser. 103, 99-108 (1975).
[Reviewer: J.A.Thas]
, 52A40 51M25 05A20 00A07
Zbl 323.52001
Larman, D.G.(ed.); Rogers, C.A.(ed.)
, Durham symposium on the relations between infinite-dimensional and finite-dimensional convexity.
Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 8, 1-33 (1976).
, 52A05
Zbl 328.54017
Erdös, Paul; Rudin, Mary Ellen
, A non-normal box product.
Infinite finite Sets, Colloq. Honour Paul Erdös, Keszthely 1973, Colloq. Math. Soc. Janos Bolyai 10, 629-631 (1975).
[Reviewer: J.M.Plotkin]
, 54D15 03E15 04A15 54A25 54G15
Zbl 345.52007
Erdös, Paul; Purdy, George
, Some extremal problems in geometry. IV.
Proc. 7th southeast. Conf. Comb., Graph Theory, Comput.; Baton Rouge 1976, 307-322 (1976).
[Reviewer: R.Schneider]
, 52A40 51M25 00A07
Zbl 394.54002
Cater, F.S.; Erdös, Paul; Galvin, Fred
, On the density of \lambda-box products.
General Topol. Appl. 9, 307-312 (1978).
, 54A25 54B10
Zbl 403.52006
Erdös, Paul; Purdy, George
, Some extremal problems in geometry. V.
Proc. 8th southeast. Conf. on Combinatorics, graph theory, and computing, Baton Rouge 1977, 569-578 (1977).
[Reviewer: R.Schneider]
, 52A37
Zbl 417.52002
Erdös, Paul
, Some more problems on elementary geometry.
Aust. Math. Soc. Gaz. 5, 52-54 (1978).
[Reviewer: H.Germer]
, 52A10 52B99 52A40 00A07
Zbl 444.52008
Erdös, Paul; Pach, János
, On a problem of L. Fejes Toth.
Discrete Math. 30, 103-109 (1980).
, 52A37 52A40
Zbl 483.51010
Erdös, Paul; Vincze, I.
, On the approximation of convex, closed plane curves by multifocal ellipses.
Essays in statistical science, Pap. in Honour of P.A.P. Moran, J. Appl. Probab., Spec. Vol. 19A, 89-96 (1982).
[Reviewer: J.E.Valentine]
, 51K10 51M25
Zbl 501.52009
Erdös, Paul; Purdy, G.; Straus, E.G.
, On a problem in combinatorial geometry.
Discrete Math. 40, 45-52 (1982).
[Reviewer: D.C.Kay]
, 52A40
Zbl 521.51005
Erdös, Paul; Mullin, R.C.; Sos, V.T.; Stinson, D.R.
, Finite linear spaces and projective planes.
Discrete Math. 47, 49-62 (1983).
[Reviewer: R.Artzy]
, 51A45 05B25 51E15
Zbl 534.52007
Erdös, Paul; Füredi, Z.
, The greatest angle among n points in the d-dimensional Euclidean space.
Ann. Discrete Math. 17, 275-283 (1983).
[Reviewer: P.Mani]
, 52A37 52A40
Zbl 537.51017
Erdös, Paul
, Combinatorial problems in geometry.
Math. Chron. 12, 35-54 (1983).
[Reviewer: M.Stefanescu]
, 51E25 05B25 52A37 00A07
Zbl 562.51008
Erdös, Paul
, Some old and new problems in combinatorial geometry.
Convexity and graph theory, Proc. Conf., Israel 1981, Ann. Discrete Math. 20, 129-136 (1984).
[Reviewer: J.Libicher]
, 51D20 05B25 00A07
Zbl 568.51011
Erdös, Paul
, Problems and results in combinatorial geometry.
Discrete geometry and convexity, Proc. Conf., New York 1982, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 440, 1-11 (1985).
[Reviewer: J.F.Rigby]
, 51D20 52A37 52A40 05A99 00A07
Zbl 595.52013
Erdös, Paul
, On some metric and combinatorial geometric problems.
Discrete Math. 60, 147-153 (1986).
[Reviewer: W.Moser]
, 52A37 52A40 51D20 11B75 05A99 05A20 52A10 00A07
Zbl 625.52008
Erdös, Paul
, Some combinatorial and metric problems in geometry.
Intuitive geometry, Pap. Int. Conf., Siófok/Hung. 1985, Colloq. Math. Soc. János Bolyai 48, 167-177 (1987).
[Reviewer: L.A.Székely]
, 52A37 52A40 51M05 00A07
Zbl 691.52001
Soifer, Alexander
, How does one cut a triangle? With 80 illustr. and introductions by Philip L. Engel, Paul Erdös, Branko Grünbaum and Cecil Rousseau.
Colorado Springs, CO: Center for Excellence in Mathematical Education. xiii, 140 p. (1990).
[Reviewer: J.M.Wills]
, 52-01 52A10 05-01 52C17
Zbl 722.52009
Erdös, Paul; Pach, János
, Variations on the theme of repeated distances.
Combinatorica 10, No.3, 261-269 (1990).
[Reviewer: P.Smith (Keele)]
, 52C10 52A10 52A20
Zbl 723.52005
Erdös, Paul; Komjáth, P.
, Countable decompositions of R2 and R3.
Discrete Comput. Geom. 5, No.4, 325-331 (1990).
[Reviewer: E.J.F.Primrose (Leicester)]
, 52C10 51M15
Zbl 727.52001
Boltyanskij, Vladimir; Soifer, Alexander
, Geometric etudes in combinatorial mathematics. With over 300 illustrations, index, and introductions by Paul Erdös, Branko Grünbaum and Cicil Rousseau.
Colorado Springs, CO: Center for Excellence in Mathematical Education. xii, 236 p. (1991).
[Reviewer: M.Lassak (Bydgoszcz)]
, 52-01 52A10 52A35 52A37 52C20 00A07 05C99 05B50
Zbl 732.51007
Drake, David A.; Erdös, Paul
, Bounds on the number of pairs of unjoined points in a partial plane.
Coding theory and design theory. Part II: Design theory, Proc. Workshop IMA Program Appl. Comb., Minneapolis/MN (USA) 1987-88, IMA Vol. Math. Appl. 21, 102-112 (1990).
[Reviewer: W.E.Cherowitzo (Denver)]
, 51E14 05B30 90C05
Zbl 732.52004
Avis, David; Erdös, Paul; Pach, János
, Distinct distances determined by subsets of a point set in space.
Comput. Geom. 1, No.1, 1-11 (1991).
[Reviewer: F.Hering (Dortmund)]
, 52C10
Zbl 737.52006
Erdös, Paul; Fishburn, Peter; Füredi, Zoltan
, Midpoints of diagonals of convex n-gons.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 4, No.3, 329-341 (1991).
[Reviewer: J.C.Dupin (Valenciennes)]
, 52A37 52A10
Zbl 741.52010
Erdös, Paul; Makai, Endre; Pach, János; Spencer, Joel
, Gaps in difference sets, and the graph of nearly equal distances.
Applied geometry and discrete mathematics, Festschr. 65th Birthday Victor Klee, DIMACS, Ser. Discret. Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. 4, 265-273 (1991).
[Reviewer: C.Schulz (Wiesbaden)]
, 52A37 05B10 52C10
Zbl 794.52004
Erdös, Paul; Füredi, Zoltán; Pach, János; Ruzsa, Imre Z.
, The grid revisited.
Discrete Math. 111, No.1-3, 189-196 (1993).
[Reviewer: I.Vermes (Budapest)]
, 52C10
Zbl 798.52017
Erdös, Paul; Makai, Endre; Pach, János
, Nearly equal distances in the plane.
Comb. Probab. Comput. 2, No.4, 401-408 (1993).
[Reviewer: M.Lassak (Bydgoszcz)]
, 52C10
Zbl 804.52010
Aronov, B.; Erdös, Paul; Goddard, W.; Kleitman, Daniel J.; Klugerman, M.; Pach, János; Schulman, L.J.
, Crossing families.
Combinatorica 14, No.2, 127-134 (1994).
[Reviewer: P.Schmitt (Wien)]
, 52C10 68Q20
Zbl 815.52006
Erdös, Paul; Fishburn, Peter
, A postscript on distances in convex n-gons.
Discrete Comput. Geom. 11, No.1, 111-117 (1994).
[Reviewer: S.S.Kutateladze (Novosibirsk)]
, 52A37
Zbl 818.52014
Erdös, Paul
, Problems and results in discrete mathematics.
Discrete Math. 136, No.1-3, 53-73 (1994).
[Reviewer: J.Linhart (Salzburg)]
, 52C10 11B25 05D10 00A07 52-02 05C55
Zbl 822.52004
Elekes, G.; Erdös, Paul
, Similar configurations and pseudo grids.
Böröczky, K. (ed.) et al., Intuitive geometry. Proceedings of the 3rd international conference held in Szeged, Hungary, from 2 to 7 September, 1991. Amsterdam: North-Holland, Colloq. Math. Soc. János Bolyai. 63, 85-104 (1994).
[Reviewer: R.Dawson (Halifax)]
, 52A37 52C20
Zbl 826.52009
Erdös, Paul; Purdy, G.
, Two combinatorial problems in the plane.
Discrete Comput. Geom. 13, No.3-4, 441-443 (1995).
[Reviewer: R.Dawson (Halifax)]
, 52A37 00A07
Zbl 831.52008
Erdös, Paul; Fishburn, Peter C.
, Multiplicities of interpoint distances in finite planar sets.
Discrete Appl. Math. 60, No.1-3, 141-147 (1995).
[Reviewer: J.Linhart (Salzburg)]
, 52C10
Zbl 831.52009
Erdös, Paul; Fishburn, Peter
, Intervertex distances in convex polygons.
Discrete Appl. Math. 60, No.1-3, 149-158 (1995).
[Reviewer: J.Linhart (Salzburg)]
, 52C10
Zbl 843.52011
Erdös, Paul
, Distances in convex polygons.
Geombinatorics 1, No.3, 4 (1991).
[Reviewer: E.Quaisser (Potsdam)]
, 52C10 52A40
Zbl 843.52012
Erdös, Paul
, Equidistant points in the plane.
Geombinatorics 4, No.2, 48 (1994).
[Reviewer: E.Quaisser (Potsdam)]
, 52C10 52A40
Zbl 844.52002
Erdös, Paul; Soifer, Alexander
, Triangles in convex polygons.
Geombinatorics 2, No.4, 72-74 (1993).
[Reviewer: B.Kind (Bochum)]
, 52A10 52A40
Zbl 849.52014
Erdös, Paul; Fishburn, Peter
, Convex nonagons with five intervertex distances.
Geom. Dedicata 60, No.3, 317-332 (1996).
[Reviewer: P.Braß (Greifswald)]
, 52C10 52C05
Zbl 850.52004
Erdös, Paul
, Diameters of point sets.
Geombinatorics 1, No.4, 4 (1992).
, 52A37
Zbl 850.52005
Erdös, Paul
, Distances determined by n points in the plane.
Geombinatorics 1, No.2, 3-4 (1991).
, 52C10 00A07
Zbl 850.52006
Erdös, Paul
, Distances determined by points in the plane.
Geombinatorics 2, No.1, 7 (1992).
, 52C10
Zbl 850.52007
Erdös, Paul
, Distances determined by points in the plane. II.
Geombinatorics 2, No.2, 24 (1992); Corrected version ibid. 2, No.3, 65 (1993).
, 52C10
Zbl 850.52009
Pach, János; Erdös, Paul
, Repeating distances between points in the plane.
Geombinatorics 3, No.2, 57 (1993).
, 52C10
Zbl 850.52010
Erdös, Paul
, Distinct distances between points in the plane.
Geombinatorics 3, No.4, 115-116 (1994).
, 52C10
Zbl 850.52011
Erdös, Paul
, Sets of points in the plane with new isosceles triangles.
Geombinatorics 4, No.1, 10 (1994); errata ibid. 4, No.2, 57 (1994).
, 52C10 00A07
Zbl 850.52013
Erdös, Paul; Soifer, Alexander
, Squares in a square.
Geombinatorics 4, No.4, 110-114 (1995).
, 52C10
Zbl 850.52015
Erdös, Paul
, Distances between points in the plane.
Geombinatorics 5, No.4, 129-131 (1996).
, 52C10
Zbl 852.52009
Erdös, Paul; Purdy, George
, Extremal problems in combinatorial geometry.
Graham, R. L. (ed.) et al., Handbook of combinatorics. Vol. 1-2. Amsterdam: Elsevier (North-Holland), 809-874 (1995).
[Reviewer: H.-D.Hecker (Jena)]
, 52C10 00A07
Zbl 853.52017
Beck, István; Bejlegaard, Niels; Erdös, Paul; Fishburn, Peter
, Equal distance sums in the plane.
Normat 43, No.4, 150-161 (1995).
[Reviewer: E.Quaisser (Potsdam)]
, 52C10 52A40 51M16
Zbl 868.52007
Erdös, Paul; Fishburn, Peter
, Maximum planar sets that determine k distances.
Discrete Math. 160, No.1-3, 115-125 (1996).
[Reviewer: J.de Loera (Minneapolis)]
, 52C10
Zbl 874.52010
Erdös, Paul; Pach, János
, Are there many distances that occur few times?
Geombinatorics 6, No.3, 77-78 (1997).
[Reviewer: B.Kind (Bochum)]
, 52C10
Zbl 970.43068 DE010477271
Erdös, Paul; Makai, Endre; Pach, János
, Nearly equal distances in the plane.
Bollobás, Béla (ed.) et al., Combinatorics, geometry and probability. A tribute to Paul Erdös. Proceedings of the conference dedicated to Paul Erdös on the occasion of his 80th birthday, Cambridge, UK, 26 March 1993. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 283-290 (1997).
[Reviewer: P.Braß (Berlin)]
, 52C10 05C35 05C65
Zbl 970.64393 DE010831864
Soifer, Alexander
, In memory of Paul Erdös: Our joint problems in combinatorial geometry. III.
Geombinatorics 7, No.2, 66-70 (1997).
, 52-99
Zbl 970.67145 DE010693374
Soifer, Alexander
, In memory of Paul Erdös: Our joint problems in combinatorial geometry. II.
Geombinatorics 7, No.1, 25-28 (1997).
, 51D20
Zbl 980.06715 DE011100158
Erdös, Paul; Fishburn, Peter
, Distinct distances in finite planar sets.
Discrete Math. 175, No.1-3, 97-132 (1997).
, 52C10
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