Let X: Mn -> Rn+1 be an immersion of the
smooth n-manifold M into Euclidean (n + 1)-space. For each unit
vector V in Rn+1 let V: M -> R be the height
function in the direction of V, the composition of X
with orthogonal projection to the line spanned by V:
V(P) =
X(P) . V
: Sn x Mn -> Sn x R,
(V, P) = (V,
The catastrophe map of the family of height functions on an
immersed hypersurface is the Gauss map of the hypersurface. Let
: C -> Sn be the catstrophe map
of the family
. Since (V, P)
C if and only if V is normal to
X at P, and
(V, P) = V,
is precisely the Gauss map of X. If M is
orientable, the restriction of
to each
component of C is the Gauss map of X associated with the
orientation of M corresponding to that component. If M is not
assumed to be orientable, the Gasus map N of X is
defined as the map from M to projective space
RPn which assigns to each P
M the line through the origin in
Rn+1 normal to the tangent hyperplane of
X at P. We therefore have that s °
= N ° r, where
r: Cn -> Mn and
s: Sn -> RPn are the canonical
double coverings.
We discovered that the Gauss map of a hypersurface is a catastrophe map while we were looking at the theorems on the singularities of the Gauss map proved recently by Menn (unpublished), Bleeker and Wlison [BlW], and Wall [Wa2]. We then learned that this observation had been made by Weinstein in 1969 [We], and more recently by Bruce [Bru1] and C. Romero Fuster [Rom1].
A corollary of this observation is Menn's result that the Gauss map N of a generic hypersurface in R4 can have umbilic singularities, so N is not necessarily stable. A more general observation is that Gauss maps of hypersurfaces are Lagrangian maps (cf. chapter 6 below), so they have Lagrangian singularities, and hence they are not stable in general [Wa2]. Arnold has informed us that he observed that the Gauss map is Lagrangian as early as 1966 (cf. [AGV]).
Now we specialize to immersion of surfaces in 3-space. Several of our characterizations of Gaussian cusps are corollaries of the following result.
Theorem 5.1 Let M2 be a smooth surface. For
an open dense subset A of the space of immersions
X: M2 -> R3, the germ at
(V, P) of the family : S2 x M2 -> S2 x R
is a versal unfolding of the germ at P of
V for all (V, P)
S2 x M2.
Proof This is equivalent to the statement that the germ at
(V, P) of the mapping is stable,
is a family of real-valued functions. It
is easy to check, using local coordinates and Mather's infinitesimal
stability criterion [GolG, p. 73], that the germ of
at (V, P) is stable if and only if the germ of the
Gauss map of X at P is stable. Bleeker and Wilson
[BlW] showed that the set of immersions of an oriented surface
M2 in R3, such that the Gauss map is
stable, is open and dense in the space of all immersions of
M2 in R3. Their proof adapts to show
that the set A of immersions of an arbitrary surface, such that the
germ at each point of the Gauss map is stable, is also open and dense.
The following corollary implies theorem 3.1(b).
Corollary 5.2 If P is a cusp of the Gauss map of
X: M2 -> R3, then for each
> 0 there exist three distinct points
Q1, Q2, Q3
in M such that |P - Qi| <
for i = 1, 2, 3, and the tangent plances to
X at Q1, Q2,
Q3 are parallel. If X
A, then cusps of the Gauss map of X are the
only points of M with this property.
Proof Let V be a unit normal to X at P.
The points Q1, Q2,
Q3 are critical points of a height function W for W near V. But
P is a cusp of the Gauss map of X if and only if
(V, P) is a cusp of the catastrophe map
of the family
. For each W
-1(W) is by definition the set of
critical points of the height function
W. If (V, P) is a
cusp of
then there exist W arbitrarily
close to V such that
-1(W) has three points [C2, Fig. 6, p. 773]. On the other hand, if
A then the germ of
at a point (V, P) is either
regular, a fold, or a cusp. If this germ is regular, then
-1(W) has one point for W near
V. If the germ is a fold, then
-1(W) has either no points or two
points for W near V [C2, Fig. 6,
p. 774].
Corollary 5.3 If P is a cusp of the Gauss map of
X: M2 -> R3, the for each
> 0 there exist two distinct points
Q1, Q2
M such that |P - Q_i| <
for i = 1, 2, and the tangent planes to X at
Q1 and Q2 are equal. If
A, then cusps of the Gauss
map of X are the only points of M with this property.
Proof Let V be a unit normal to X at
P. The points Q1 and
Q2 are critical points of a height function W for each W near V,
W(Q1) =
W(Q2). Since
is the catastrophe map of the family
:S2 x M2 -> S2 x R,
the germ of
at (V, P) is a
cusp (resp. a fold, regular) if and only if the germ of
at (V, P) is a swallowtail (resp. a
cusp, a fold). The image of the critical set of
near a swallwtail has a curve of double points [C2, Fig. 23, p. 784],
i.e. there are two curves
: [0,
) -> C such that
(0) = (V, P) =
)) = Ø and
(t)) =
(t)) for all t in [0,
). The
image of the critical set near a fold or a cusp has no double points.
For an arbitrary immersion X: M2 -> R3, this bitangent property does not necessarily hold for all parabolic points which are not folds of the Gauss map. For example, consider the surface
X(x, y) = (x, y, x4/4 - y2/2)
(chapter 2, example 2). The point (x, y) is parabolic if and only if x = 0, but no parabolic point is a fold of the Gauss map. There are no double tangent pairs since the Gauss map is one-to-one.The bitangent property does hold, however if P is an isolated parabolic point which is a ramification point of the Gauss map (cf. the monkey saddle X(x, y) = (x, y, x3/3 - xy2), chapter 2, example 3).
The results of this section can be interpreted using the classical
geometry of contact with planes. The point P is a
critical point of the height function V if and only if the plane through
X(P) perpendicular to V is tangent to the
immersion X at P. The point P is a
degenerate critical point of
if and only it this tangent plane TP has unusual
contact with X at P. More precisely, there is the
following classification of points P
M2 into three types (I, II, III) for
Let V be a unit normal to X at P, and
let (V, P) = {Q
M |
V(Q) =
V(P)}, the level curve of
V through P. Notice that
(V, P) = {Q
M| X(Q)
TP}, the intersection of the surface
with its tangent plane at P.