Rufus Willett | |
Approximate ideal structures and K-theory |
1 |
Eric Hogle | |
RO(C2)-graded cohomology of equivariant Grassmannian manifolds |
53 |
Michael Chou, Harris B. Daniels, Ivan Krijan, and Filip Najman | |
Torsion groups of elliptic curves over the Zp-extensions of Q |
99 |
Elaina Aceves, Keiko Kawamuro, and Linh Truong | |
Comparing Bennequin-type inequalities |
124 |
Jingcheng Dong, Sonia Natale, and Hua Sun | |
A class of prime fusion categories of dimension 2N |
141 |
Matthew Daws | |
One-parameter isometry groups and inclusions between operator algebras |
164 |
Jonathan H. Brown, Adam H. Fuller, David R. Pitts, and Sarah A. Reznikoff | |
Graded C*-algebras and twisted groupoid C*-algebras |
205 |
David Radnell, Eric Schippers, Mohammad Shirazi, and Wolfgang Staubach | |
Schiffer operators and calculation of a determinant line in conformal field theory |
253 |
Neha Nanda and Mahender Singh | |
Alexander and Markov theorems for virtual doodles |
272 |
Donald M. Davis and David Recio-Mitter | |
The geodesic complexity of n-dimensional Klein bottles |
296 |
Jean-Marie Droz and Inna Zakharevich | |
Extending to a model structure is not a first-order property |
319 |
Bappa Bisai and Sourav Pal | |
The fundamental operator tuples associated with the symmetrized polydisc |
349 |
Valentin Huguin | |
Simultaneously preperiodic integers for quadratic polynomials |
363 |
Patrick Orson and Mark Powell | |
A lower bound for the doubly slice genus from signatures |
379 |
Terrence Adams | |
Genericity and rigidity for slow entropy transformations |
393 |
Neil Hindman and Dona Strauss | |
Minimal left ideals of βS with isolated points |
417 |
Matteo Longo and Stefano Vigni | |
On Bloch-Kato Selmer groups and Iwasawa theory of p-adic Galois representations |
437 |
Nicholas G. Vlamis | |
Three perfect mapping class groups |
468 |
Mamoru Doi and Naoto Yotsutani | |
Corrigenda to "Doubling construction of Calabi-Yau threefolds", New York Journal of Mathematics 20 (2014), 1203-1235 |
475 |
Nikos Georgiou and Brendan Guilfoyle | |
The causal topology of neutral 4-manifolds with null boundary |
477 |
Aaron Mazel-Gee | |
Model ∞-categories II: Quillen adjunctions |
508 |
Aaron Mazel-Gee | |
Model ∞-categories III: the fundamental theorem |
551 |
Matthew Just and Paul Pollack | |
Comparing multiplicative orders mod p, as p varies |
600 |
Marcio C. Fenille and Daciberg L. Gonçalves
| |
Strongly surjective maps from certain two-complexes with trivial top-cohomology onto the projective plane |
615 |
Sayan Bagchi, Sourav Hait, Luz Roncal, and Sundaram Thangavelu
| |
On the maximal function associated to the spherical means on the Heisenberg group |
631 |
Kenneth L. Baker, Kimihiko Motegi, and Toshie Takata
| |
The Strong Slope Conjecture for cablings and connected sums |
676 |
Rachel Pries and Douglas Ulmer | |
On BT1 group schemes and Fermat curves |
705 |
Kyle Austin and Atish Mitra | |
Groupoid models of C*-algebras and the Gelfand functor |
740 |
Charles Livingston | |
Primary decompositions of knot concordance |
776 |
Patrick Morton | |
Solutions of diophantine equations as periodic points of p-adic algebraic functions, III |
787 |
Rudradip Biswas | |
On some cohomological invariants for large families of infinite groups |
818 |
Chris Peters | |
On complex surfaces with definite intersection form |
840 |
Johannes Schleischitz | |
Going-up theorems for simultaneous Diophantine approximation |
848 |
Ursula Hamenstädt | |
Spotted disk and sphere graphs I |
881 |
Alina Ostafe, Lukas Pottmeyer, and Igor E. Shparlinski | |
Perfect powers in value sets and orbits of polynomials |
903 |
Cristian Ivanescu and Dan Kucerovsky | |
Cu-nuclearity implies LLP and exactness |
918 |
Valentin Deaconu | |
On groupoids and C*-algebras from self-similar actions |
923 |
Damián Ferraro | |
Fixed-point algebras for weakly proper Fell bundles |
943 |
Daniel S. Silver and Susan G. Williams | |
Lehmer's question, graph complexity growth and links |
981 |
Nick Gurski, Niles Johnson, and Angélica M. Osorno | |
2-categorical opfibrations, Quillen's Theorem B, and S-1S |
1009 |
David McKinnon, Rindra Razafy, Matthew Satriano, and Yuxuan Sun | |
On curves with high multiplicity on P(a,b,c) for min(a,b,c) ≤ 4 |
1060 |
Isaac Goldbring | |
Oracle computability of conditional expectations onto subfactors |
1085 |
Yat-Hin Suen | |
Reconstruction of holomoprhic tangent bundle of complex projective plane via tropical Lagrangian multi-section |
1096 |
Florian Luca, Attila Pethö, and László Szalay | |
Duplications in the k-generalized Fibonacci sequences |
1115 |
Hadi Zare | |
The Dyer-Lashof algebra and the hit problems |
1134 |
Yongsheng Han, Ji Li, M. Cristina Pereyra, and Lesley A. Ward | |
Atomic decomposition of product Hardy spaces via wavelet bases on spaces of homogeneous type |
1173 |
Grzegorz Banaszak and Aleksandra Kaim-Garnek | |
The Tate module of a simple abelian variety of type IV |
1240 |
Bora Ferlengez, Gustavo Granja, and Aleksandar Milivojevic | |
On the topology of the space of almost complex structures on the six sphere |
1258 |
Dragos Ghioca and Sina Saleh | |
Zariski dense orbits for regular self-maps of tori in positive characteristic |
1274 |
Stephen McKean, Daniel Minahan, and Tianyi Zhang | |
All lines on a smooth cubic surface in terms of three skew lines |
1305 |
Daniil Kalinov and Lev Kruglyak | |
The rational Cherednik algebra of type A1 with divided powers |
1328 |
Alfred Geroldinger and Qinghai Zhong | |
A characterization of length-factorial Krull monoids |
1347 |
Kengo Matsumoto | |
Flow equivalence of topological Markov shifts and Ruelle algebras |
1375 |
Matteo Bordignon | |
Medium-sized values for the prime number theorem for primes in arithmetic progressions |
1415 |
Stanislav Jabuka | |
Periodic spanning surfaces of periodic knots |
1439 |
Hao Li and Changlong Zhong | |
On equivariant oriented cohomology of Bott-Samelson varieties |
1443 |
Lenny Jones | |
Infinite families of reciprocal monogenic polynomials and their Galois groups |
1465 |
Nicholas Rouse | |
Arithmetic of the canonical component of the knot 74 |
1494 |
Feng Liu, Qingying Xue,and Pu Zhang | |
Regularity and continuity of commutators of multilinear maximal operators |
1524 |
Qayum Khan | |
Countable approximation of topological $G$-manifolds, III: arbitrary Lie groups G |
1554 |
Haodong Li and Mishko Mitkovski | |
Necessary density conditions for d-approximate interpolation sequences in the Bargmann-Fock space |
1580 |
Chafiq Benhida, Emmanuel Fricain, and Dan Timotin | |
Reducing subspaces of C00 contractions |
1597 |
Brandon Gontmacher, Benjamin Hutz, Grayson Jorgenson, Srinjoy Srimani, and Simon Xu | |
Automorphism loci for degree 3 and degree 4 endomorphisms of the projective line |
1613 |