Zentralblatt MATH
Publications in 1978
Zbl 352.10027
Diamond, Harold G.; Erdös, Paul
, A measure of the nonmonotonicity of the Euler phi function.
Pac. J. Math. 77, 83-101 (1978).
, 11K65 11N37 11A25
Zbl 367.10004
Erdös, Paul; Hall, R.R.
, Euler's \phi-function and its iterates.
Mathematika, London 24(1977), 173-177 (1978).
[Reviewer: L.Lucht]
, 11A25 11N37
Zbl 367.40005
Erdös, Paul; Segal, S.L.
, A note on Ingham's summation method.
J. Number Theory 10, 95-98 (1978).
[Reviewer: J.P.Tull]
, 40G99 11N05
Zbl 368.10004
Erdös, Paul
, Some personal reminiscences of the mathematical work of Paul Turán.
Acta Arith. 37, 3-8 (1980).
, 11-03 01A70
Zbl 374.90086
Chvatal, V.; Erdös, Paul
, Biased positional games.
Ann. Discrete Math. 2, 221-229 (1978).
, 90D05 94C10
Zbl 375.05034
Bollobás, Béla; Erdös, Paul; Simonovits, M.; Szemeredi, E.
, Extremal graphs without large forbidden subgraphs.
Ann. Discrete Math. 3, 29-41 (1978).
, 05C35
Zbl 376.10011
Alladi, K.; Erdös, Paul; Hoggatt, V.E.jun.
, On additive partitions of integers.
Discrete Math. 22, 201-211 (1978).
[Reviewer: M.S.Cheema]
, 11B37 11P81 05A17
Zbl 378.04002
Erdös, Paul; Hajnal, András; Milner, E.C.
, On set systems having paradoxical covering properties.
Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung. 31, 89-124 (1978).
[Reviewer: P.L.Ferrari]
, 04A20 05A17 03E55
Zbl 379.10027
Erdös, Paul; Pomerance, Carl
, On the largest prime factors of n and n+1.
Aequationes Math. 17, 311-321 (1978).
[Reviewer: K.Ramachandra]
, 11N05 11N37 11A41
Zbl 381.04004
Erdös, Paul; Hajnal, András
, Embedding theorems for graphs establishing negative partition relations.
Period. Math. Hung. 9, 205-230 (1978).
[Reviewer: N.H.Williams]
, 04A20 03E05 03E30 05C99
Zbl 382.05043
Burr, Stefan A.; Erdös, Paul; Faudree, Ralph J.; Rousseau, C.C.; Schelp, R.H.
, Ramsey-minimal graphs for multiple copies.
Nederl. Akad. Wet., Proc., Ser. A 81, 187-195 (1978).
[Reviewer: W.T.Trotter]
, 05C55
Zbl 383.05002
Erdös, Paul; Szemeredi, E.
, Combinatorial properties of systems of sets.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 24, 308-313 (1978).
[Reviewer: W.Dörfler]
, 05A05 04A20
Zbl 383.05027
Erdös, Paul; Faudree, Ralph J.; Rousseau, C.C.; Schelp, R.H.
, On cycle-complete graph Ramsey numbers.
J. Graph Theory 2, 53-64 (1978).
[Reviewer: J.E.Graver]
, 05C55
Zbl 383.30001
Erdös, Paul; Hwang, J.S.
, On a geometric property of Lemniscates.
Aequationes Math. 17, 344-347 (1978).
[Reviewer: A.Giroux]
, 30C10
Zbl 384.05001
Deza, M.; Erdös, Paul; Frankl, P.
, Intersection properties of systems of finite sets.
Combinatorics, Keszthely 1976, Colloq. Math. Janos Bolyai 18, 251-256 (1978).
, 05A05
Zbl 385.20045
Erdös, Paul; Hall, R.R.
, Some new results in probabilistic group theory.
Comment. Math. Helv. 53, 448-457 (1978).
, 20P05 20D99 20K99
Zbl 386.05001
, Problems.
Comb. Math., Proc. int. Conf., Canberra 1977, Lect. Notes Math. 686, 346- 349 (1978).
, 05-XX 05C99 05B35 05B99 05B30 05B45 05C35 05B20 05B15 00A07
Zbl 386.30020
Erdös, Paul; Newman, Donald J.; Reddy, A.R.
, Rational approximation. II.
Adv. Math. 29, 135-156 (1978).
[Reviewer: O.P.Juneja]
, 30E10 41A20 41A25
Zbl 389.10038
Erdös, Paul; Nathanson, Melvyn B.
, Sets of natural numbers with no minimal asymptotic bases.
Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 70, 100-102 (1978).
[Reviewer: E.Härtter]
, 11B13
Zbl 391.10004
Erdös, Paul
, A property of 70.
Math. Mag. 51, 238-240 (1978).
[Reviewer: A.Aigner]
, 11A05 11A41 11B39
Zbl 391.10038
Borosh, I.; Chui, C.K.; Erdös, Paul
, On changes of signs in infinite series.
Anal. Math. 4, 3-12 (1978).
[Reviewer: M.S.Rangachari]
, 11B83 40A05 11B39
Zbl 391.41003
Erdös, Paul; Szabados, J.
, On the integral of the Lebesgue function of interpolation.
Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung. 32, 191-195 (1978).
, 41A05
Zbl 393.10005
Ecklund, E.F.jun.; Eggleton, R.B.; Erdös, Paul; Selfridge, J.L.
, On the prime factorization of binomial coefficients.
J. Aust. Math. Soc., Ser. A 26, 257-269 (1978).
[Reviewer: P.Hagis]
, 11A41 05A10
Zbl 393.10047
Erdös, Paul; Hall, R.R.
, On some unconventional problems on the divisors of integers.
J. Aust. Math. Soc., Ser. A 25, 479-485 (1978).
[Reviewer: G.Kolesnik]
, 11N37
Zbl 394.54002
Cater, F.S.; Erdös, Paul; Galvin, Fred
, On the density of \lambda-box products.
General Topol. Appl. 9, 307-312 (1978).
, 54A25 54B10
Zbl 395.10002
Erdös, Paul; Sarközy, Andras
, Some solved and unsolved problems in combinatorial number theory.
Math. Slovaca 28, 407-421 (1978).
[Reviewer: E.Härtter]
, 11-02 11Bxx 00A07
Zbl 397.05019
Erdös, Paul; Hechler, Stephen H.; Kainen, Paul
, On finite superuniversal graphs.
Discrete Math. 24, 235-249 (1978).
[Reviewer: R.L.Hemminger]
, 05C10 05C15
Zbl 399.10042
Erdös, Paul; Penney, D.E.; Pomerance, Carl
, On a class of relatively prime sequences.
J. Number Theory 10, 451-474 (1978).
[Reviewer: R.Heath-Brown]
, 11N05 11B83
Zbl 401.10003
Erdös, Paul; Szekeres, G.
, Some number theoretic problems on binomial coefficients.
Aust. Math. Soc. Gaz. 5, 97-99 (1978).
[Reviewer: P.Hagis]
, 11A05 05A10 11A41 00A07
Zbl 401.10057
Erdös, Paul; Richmond, B.
, On partitions of N into summands coprime to N.
Aequationes Math. 18, 178-186 (1978).
, 11P81
Zbl 401.10068
Erdös, Paul; Sarközy, A.
, On products of integers. II.
Acta Sci. Math. 40, 243-259 (1978).
[Reviewer: D.Suryanarayana]
, 11B83 11N13
Zbl 404.10029
Erdös, Paul; Sárközy, András
, On differences and sums of integers. I.
J. Number Theory 10, 430-450 (1978).
[Reviewer: M.M.Dodson]
, 11B83 11B13 11P99 11D85 11L03
Zbl 406.05048
Trotter, William T.jun.; Erdös, Paul
, When the Cartesian product of directed cycles is Hamiltonian.
J. Graph Theory 2, 137-142 (1978).
, 05C45 05C99 11P81
Zbl 407.05006
Deza, M.; Erdös, Paul; Frankl, P.
, Intersection properties of systems of finite sets.
Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., III. Ser. 36, 369-384 (1978).
[Reviewer: R.K.Guy]
, 05A05
Zbl 412.05033
Erdös, Paul
, Problems and results in graph theory and combinatorial analysis.
Problemes combinatoires et theorie des graphes, Orsay 1976, Colloq. int. CNRS No.260, 127-129 (1978).
, 05Cxx 05Axx 05-02 00A07
Zbl 413.05019
Brown, William G.; Erdös, Paul; Simonovits, M.
, On multigraph extremal problems.
Problemes combinatoires et theorie des graphes, Orsay 1976, Colloq. int. CNRS No.260, 63-66 (1978).
[Reviewer: Résumé]
, 05C35 05C20 05C99
Zbl 416.05055
Erdös, Paul; Hobbs, Arthur M.
, A class of Hamiltonian regular graphs.
J. Graph Theory 2, 129-135 (1978).
, 05C35 05C45
Zbl 417.10047
Erdös, Paul; Hardy, G.E.; Subbarao, M.V.
, On the Schnirelmann density of k-free integers.
Indian J. Math. 20, 45-56 (1978).
[Reviewer: B.Garrison]
, 11B83 11N05
Zbl 417.52002
Erdös, Paul
, Some more problems on elementary geometry.
Aust. Math. Soc. Gaz. 5, 52-54 (1978).
[Reviewer: H.Germer]
, 52A10 52B99 52A40 00A07
Zbl 422.05023
Erdös, Paul; Purdy, G.
, Some combinatorial problems in the plane.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 25, 205-210 (1978).
[Reviewer: D.A.Klarner]
, 05B25 51M05 00A07
Zbl 422.05039
Erdös, Paul
, Some extremal problems on families of graphs and related problems.
Comb. Math., Proc. int. Conf., Canberra 1977, Lect. Notes Math. 686, 13- 21 (1978).
[Reviewer: J.W.Moon]
, 05C35 00A07
Zbl 423.05001
Erdös, Paul
, Problems and results in combinatorial analysis and combinatorial number theory.
Proc. 9th southeast. Conf. on Combinatorics, graph theory, and computing, Boca Raton 1978, 29-40 (1978).
[Reviewer: W.G.Brown]
, 05-02 05C55 05C35 05C65 11N05 05C15 05A05 05A99 11B39 00A07
Zbl 432.05038
Burr, Stefan A.; Erdös, Paul; Faudree, Ralph J.; Schelp, R.H.
, A class of Ramsey-finite graphs.
Proc. 9th southeast. Conf. on Combinatorics, graph theory, and computing, Boca Raton 1978, 171-180 (1978).
[Reviewer: W.T.Trotter]
, 05C55
Zbl 434.05001
Deza, M.; Erdös, Paul; Singhi, N.M.
, Combinatorial problems on subsets and their intersections.
Studies in foundations and combinatorics, Adv. Math., Suppl. Stud., Vol. 1, 259-265 (1978).
, 05A05
Zbl 439.05009
Erdös, Paul
, Problems and results in combinatorial analysis.
Creation Math. 11, 17-20 (1978).
[Reviewer: H.Kröger]
, 05A99 05C15 05C75 00A07
Zbl 474.04002
Elekes, G.; Erdös, Paul; Hajnal, András
, On some partition properties of families of sets.
Stud. Sci. Math. Hung. 13, 151-155 (1978).
[Reviewer: N.H.Williams]
, 04A20
Zbl 483.10014
Erdös, Paul; Richmond, B.
, Partitions into summands of the form [malpha].
Numerical mathematics and computing, Proc. 7th Manitoba Conf., Winnipeg/Can. 1977, Congr. Numerantium 20, 371-377 (1978).
, 11P81
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