X: Mn -> Rn+1
be an immersion. For each unit vector V in
Rn+1, let gV be
the hyperplane through the origin perpendicular to V, and let
V: Mn -> gV
be the composition of X with orthogonal projection to
V(P) = X(P) - (X(P) . V) V
x Mn ->
*(V, P) = (V,
Since the tangent bundle of Sn is
trivial over the complement of any point V0 Sn, the
restriction of
* to
(Sn - {V0}) x Mn
is an unfolding of
V for all
V0. Since
V is a mapping of
n-manifolds, its singularities can be more complicated than
the singularities of a real-valued function (such as the height
function gV studied in chapter 5). Since
V is the composition of the
X: Mn -> Rn+1
with the orthogonal projection
Rn+1 -> gV,
it follows that
V has kernel
rank at most one. But
V may
have cuspoid (Morin) singularities of arbitrarily high order. To get
a geometric interpretation of these singularities, we first review
their definition.
Thom [T1] suggested that for a "generic"
mapping f: N -> P one could stratify
the source N by the kernel rank of f. Each
resulting stratum S would in turn be stratified by the kernel
rank of f|S. This process would be
repeated until no new strata were produced. For a generic map
f: Rn -> Rn
of kernel rank at most one, S1(f) denotes
the set of singular points of f,
S1,1(f) = S12(f)
denotes the set of singular points of
f|S1(f), and in general
S1k(f) is the set of
singular points of
Also S1k,0(f) denotes
S1k(f) - S1k-1(f).
Thus S1,0(f) is the fold locus of
f, where the kernel field
Df is not tangent to S1(f).
The locus S1,1(f) where
is tangent to S1(f) is
then subdivided into the cusp points
S1,1,0(f) where
not tangent to S1,1(f), and the points
S1,1,1(f) where
tangent to S1,1(f), and so on. The stratum
S13,0 is the swallowtail points
of f, and S14,0(f) is
the butterfly points of f. The dimension of
S1k(f) is
n - k.
Boardman carried out Thom's suggestion rigorously. He defined submanifolds of the infinite jet space J(N, P) whose pullbacks by the jet extension map of f are the desired strata of n. A "generic" map of f is one whose jet extension is transverse to these Boardman submanifolds. It is possible to write down local defining equations for these submanifolds, and so it is possible to stratify nongeneric maps as well. For mappings f:Rn -> Rn of corank 1, it is easy to give an inductive construction of these equations (cf. [Mori] and [Mat] for details). Start with the equations of S1k(f) and the component functions of one map F. Then the n x n minors of the Jacobian matrix DF are the equations of S1k+1(f). To see the connection with kernel vector fields, consider the equations for S1,1(f). They are
where ()' denotes
in Df. For a mapping f
of rank n-1, one of the vectors ((
)', ...,(
)') must
span the kernel of Df. Condition (ii) implies that for generic
f (i.e. grad det Df
0 on
S1(f)) this kernel field is tangent to
If f(x1, ...,
xn) = (x1, ...,
fn(x1, ...,
xn)), with grad fn 0, the equations defining
S1k become much simpler. Then
S1k,0(f) if and only if
(P) = 0
for 1
k and
0. This allows a direct geometric
interpretation of the Thom-Boardman strata
S1k, 0(
A point P
Mn is in S1k,
V) if and only if the
line through X(P) parallel to V
has kth order contact with the immersion
X at P.
Since any immersed hypersurface is locally a function graph, this
statement follows from [St, p. 24, (7-4)]. Or we can define the order
of contact of a hypersurface and a line to be m-1, where
m is their intersection multiplicity. This multiplicity
m is the dimension of the real vector space A/I, where
A is the local ring of germs at
A = X(P) of
real-valued functions on Rn+1, and
I is the ideal generated by the local defining equations of
X(M) and the line. If this line l is not tangent ot
X(M) at A, then m is one. If it is
tangent, then there are coordinate charts about P in
M and X(P) in Rn+1
so that X(x1, ...,
xn) = (x1, ...,
xn, f(x1, ...,
fn)), and l is spanned by
(0, ..., 0, 1, 0). Then
Now we examine the family * for
X: M2 -> R3
in more detail. The following result implies theorem 3.1(g).
Theorem 7.1 If P is a cusp of the Gauss map of the
X: M2 -> R3,
then a line in R3 has order of contact > 2
with X at P. Conversely, if X A, and P is a parabolic
point of X, and there exists a line in R3
which has order of contact >2 with X at P, then
P is a cusp of the Gauss map of X.
Proof If P is a parabolic point of X, then after a rigid motion of R3 we may assume that there is a coordinate neighborhood about P on which X has the form
X(x, y) = (x, y, x2/2 + g(x, y)),
P = (0, 0),
Conversely, if a line has order of contact 2 with X at 0, it must also have order of
2 with the osculating
paraboloid so it must be the y-axis. If the y-axis
has order of contact
3 with
X at 0 then gyyy(0) = 0, so
S1,1(N). Thus if X
A then P is a cusp of
In order to relate cusps of Gauss mappings to the geometry of
asymptotic curves, we first investigate the relation between the
singularities of the map *: S2 x M2 -> TS2
and the second fundamental form of X.
We assume that the immersion X is locally of the form
X(x, y) = (x, y, f(x, y)), grad f(0, 0) = 0
Consider the orthogonal projection to a plane containing the z-axis:
V(x, y) = (-bx + ay, f(x, y))
Let Dnf: (R2)n -> R be the symmetric multilinear function whose coefficients are the mixed partial of f of order n.
Proof (i) Let
F(x, y) = (-bx + ay, f(x, y),
det DV(x, y)). The
equations which define S12(
V) are the 2 x 2 minors of
DF. These minors are Df(V),
D2f(V, V), and
D2f(V, (-fy,
fx)). The first and third of these minors
are zero at 0 so only the second is a new condition. But
D2f(V, V) = 0 if
and only if the second fundamental form
II(V, V) = 0, i.e. V is an
asymptotic vector.
(ii) The defining equations of S13
are the 2 x 2 minors of DG, where G has
component functions (F, D2f(V,
V)). (It is not necessary to use
D2f(V, (-fy,
fx)) since this function is in the ideal
generated by the components of G.) These minors are in the
ideal generated by the minors of DF, and
D3f(V, V, V). So 0
V) if and only if 0
V) and
D3f(V, V, V).
(iii) has a similar proof.
Now we look at the relation between
S1k(V) and asymptotic curves. Recall that
X(x, y) = (x, y, f(x, y)),
grad f(0, 0) = 0. Assume that (0, 0)
is a hyperbolic point of X, and
is an
asymptotic curve of X in the (x, y)
plane, parametrized by arc-length, with
'(0) = V. Let
(s) be the
curvature of
Proof We proceed by the time-honored principle of differentiating something which is identically zero.
(i) is an asymptotic curve of X if
and only if
'(s)] = 0
0 = (D2f((s))[
= D3f((s))[
'(s)] + 2 D2f(
= D3f((s))[
'(s)] + 2
where n is the unit normal vector of . Now 0
V) if and only if
D3f(0)(V, V, V)
0, so 0
V) if and only if 2
'(0), n(0)]
0, so
0. Note that D2f(0)[
'(0), n(0)]
0 since
'(0) and n(0) are orthogonal, for the
only orthogonal conjugate directions at a hyperbolic point are the
principal directions. This proves (i).
(ii) D3f((0))[
'(0)] = 0 iff
(0) = 0 iff 0
V). Now
0 = (D2f((s))[
= D4f()[
'] + 3
n] + 2
+ 22D2f(
)[n, n] +
n' +
If s = 0 and 0
V), then
0 = D4f(0)[V, V, V, V] +
2D2f(0)[V, '(0), n(0)]
(iii) Compute 0 = (D2f((s))[
Now consider the space curve X ° with curvature
X °
. Since an asymptotic curve on a surface has
normal curvature zero, its curvature as a space curve equals its
intrinsic curvature. By our choice of coordinates for the immersion
X °
(0) =
(0) provided that
(0) for
j<i. Thus we have:
In geometric terms, if l is the line through P parallel to V, we have:
We can now prove half of theorem 3.1(h).
Theorem 7.5 Let
X: M2 -> R3
be an immersion, with X
A. If P is a parabolic point of X which is
in the closure of the set of asymptotic inflection points of
X, then P is a cusp of the Gauss mapping of
Proof By corollary 7.4, P is in the closure of
S13,0(V), which is
V). Therefore the line through
X(P) parallel to V has order of contact > 3
with X at P. By theorem 7.1, P is a cusp
of the Gauss mapping.
A more precise analysis of the singularities of the family * is based on the following result.
Theorem 7.6 (Arnold, Lyashko, Goryunov, Gaffney-Ruas) Let
M2 be a smooth surface. For an open dense subset
C of the space of immersions
X: M2 -> R3,
the germ of the family * at
(V, P) is a versal unfolding of the germ of
V at P for all
(V, P)
S2 x M2.
For proofs, see [GafR] [A6]. (This result is closely related to
theorem (A) of [Wa2, p. 712]). If the germ of * at (V, P) is a versal
unfolding of the germ of
V at
P, then the germ of the mapping
* at (V, P) is stable.
The converse is not true. If the germ of
* is versal at each point, then the germ of
the Gauss map of X is stable at each point, so C is
a subset of A. Menn's surface
X(x, y) = (x, y, x2 y - x2)
has a stable Gauss map at (0, 0), but
* is not versal at (0, 0).
Gaffney and Ruas' proof is based on an explicit classification of
all rank one finitely determined germs of codimension four or less.
For X C, there are ten
equivalence classes of germs which may occur as germs of
V at P (see [GafR] [A6]). For
example, if X
C then
V) = Ø and
V) is a set of isolated points.
Furthermore, P
V) only if P is hyperbolic.
Therefore a line l in R3 can have order
of contact at most 3 with X at a parabolic point, so theorem
7.1 can be strengthened for X
Corollary 7.7 If X
C, then P is a Gaussian cusp if and only if
P is a parabolic point of X and there is a line in
R3 which has third order contact with X
at P.
Corollary 7.8 If X
C, then P is a Gaussian cusp if and only if
P is a parabolic point of X in the closure of the
set of inflection points of asymptotic curves.
Proof By the proof of theorem 7.1, if X C, then P is a cusp of the
Gauss mapping if and only if (V, P)
*), where V is asymptotic at
P. Since
* is versal at
(V, P) and (V, P) and
S13 is a codimension 3 singularity,
(V, P)
*) if
and only if there exists a curve
(V(t), P(t)) in
S2 x M2, 0
, such that P(t)
V(t)) for
t > 0, and
(V(0), P(0)) = (V, P).
The projection of this curve to M2 is a curve of
asymptotic inflection points with P in its closure.
Using theorem 7.6 we can also complete the proofs of theorem 3.1(h)
and theorem 3.3. It will be necessary to use a few facts about the
"cusp catastrophe map" 1,1: S1,1(
*) -> S2, the
restriction of the projection
S2 x M2 -> S2.
C then
Proof See [GafR].
Theorem 7.10 If X: M2 -> R3 is an immersion, and P is a cusp of the Gauss mapping, then P is in the closure of the set of asymptotic inflection points of X.
Proof By hypothesis there exists a neighborhood U
of P such that N|U is stable.
Assume that P is the only cusp of
N|U, and the double of the part of
U with negative curvature is a disc. By theorem 7.6 there
exists a sequence of immersions Xn such
that Xn|U converges to
X|U in the Whitney
topology and the family
n* associated to
Xn is versal on U. Since
N is stable on U, we can assume that, for n
sufficiently large the Gauss map Nn of
Xn differs from N by a coordinate
change in the source and target. Thus for n sufficiently
large, the double of the part of U on which
Xn has negative curvature is a disc, so
n*) is two discs. Let
Dn be one of these discs. Let
n be the curve on
Dn which consists of points of
n*). Let
n be the curve in
Dn lying over the parabolic curve
Sn. The curve
n divides Dn
into two discs, each of which projects diffeomorphically to the
negatively curved part of U. By proposition 7.9,
n crosses
n transversely at a single point, which
lies over the cusp of Nn.
The projection of n to
U is a curve
n which
is smooth except perhaps at the cusp of Nn,
and which consists of inflection points of asymptotic curves of
Xn. Since
n crosses
n transversely at a single point lying
over the cusp of Nn, the limit of
n as n goes to infinity
must be an infinite set I containing the cusp of N
in its closure.
Since the jets of * at the points of
I are in the closure of the jets of
n*), they must be in
and since N|U is stable, the only parabolic
point of I is the Gaussian cusp P, by theorem 6.5.
By corollary 7.4, all the other points of I are asymptotic
This proof illustrates a useful technique: first prove a theorem under a stringent genericity condition; then relax this condition, and use the relaxed condition to control the degeneration of the geometry.
Our final characterization of the Gaussian cusps, theorem 3.3,
reflects the relationship between the two "catastrophe maps" of the
family *. Let
1: S1(
*) -> S2 be the
"fold catastrophe map" of the family
i.e. the restriction of the projection
S2 x M2 -> S2.
Thus we have a diagram
Proposition 7.11 (Gaffney and Ruas) If X C then the germ at
(V, P) of
1 is
stable for all (V, P)
This germ is singular if and only if P is parabolic.
Proof see [GafR].
So if X C the
bifurcation set
1 is the asymptotic image of the parabolic
curve. By proposition 7.9, the bifurcation set of
1,1 is the union of
and the asymptotic image
of the
asymptotic inflection curve. By 7.9(iii) the intersection points of
precisely the asymptotic images of the Gaussian cusps. In particular,
if X
C then the
asymptotic image of the parabolic curve of X is regular at
Gaussian cusps. This completes the proof of theorem 3.3.
Finally, we finish the proof of theorem 3.2. Let
Immk(2, 3) be the space of k-jets of
immersion of R2 in R3. Since
Immk(2, 3) is a Euclidean space, with
coordinates the partial derivatives of order k, we can consider algebraic subsets of
Immk(2, 3), i.e. subsets defined by polynomial
equations. Recall that the parabolic image curve of the
X: R2 -> R3
is the restriction of X to the parabolic curve of X.
Lemma 7.12 If k 4,
there exists an irreducible algebraic subset V of codimension
2 in Immk(2, 3), and a proper algebraic
subset W of V, such that
V - W if and only if the Gauss mapping
N of X is stable in some neighborhood of 0,
N has a cusp at 0, and the curvature of the parabolic image
curve of X at 0 is nonzero.
Proof It suffices to consider immersion of the form
X(x, y) = (x, y, f(x, y)),
f (
2)2. The set V will be
all k-jets of immersions X with
f(x, y) =1/2
x2 +
a04y4 +
a12xy2 +
a21x2y +
g(x, y) where g
2)3 and
gyyyy(0) = gyyy(0)
= gxyy(0) = gxxy(0) = 0
(cf. the proof of theorem 7.1). The condition that the Gauss map
N be stable is a122 -
0, a12
0. (This
can be verified by direction computation.) To obtain that the
curvature of the parabolic image curve of X at 0 is nonzero,
we have to throw away another proper algebraic subset of V.
By considering the determinant of the Hessian of f, it is possible to solve implicitly for the 2-jet of the preimage of the parabolic curve in the parametrization plane. It is
By [BlW] and lemma 7.12, there exists an algebraic set Y of
codimension 3 in Imm4(2, 3) such that
j4X(P) Y if and only if (i) N is stable in a
neighborhood of P, and (ii) N has a cusp at
P implies the curvature of the parabolic image curve of
X at P is nonzero. So the Thom transversality
theorem implies the last statement in theorem 3.2, completing the
proof of this theorem.
A global version of theorem 3.2, for an immersion
X: M2 -> R3,
is easily obtained by considering the space of 4-jets of immersion
Imm4(M2, R3) as a
fiber bundle over M, with fiber the space of 4-jets at zero
of immersions of R2 in R3.