Volume 37 (August 2005) Number 4ZDMZentralblatt für Didaktik der MathematikInternational Reviews on Mathematical Education
CONTENTS Analyses: Quality development in mathematics education by focussing on the
outcome: new answers or new questions? A1: Introduction: A2: Zur Rolle von Bildungsstandards für die Qualitätsentwicklung im Mathematikunterricht
(On the role of educational standards for quality development in mathematics education) A3:
Outcome standards and core curricula: a new orientation for mathematics teachers
in Germany (Timo
Leuders, Bärbel Barzel, Stephan Hußmann) ... 275-286 A4:
standards and curricula in the Netherlands A5:
The curriculum’s view of knowledge
transferred to national tests in mathematics in Sweden
: Zentrale
Lernstandsmessung in der Primarstufe: Vergleichsarbeiten Klasse 4 (VERA) in
sieben Bundesländern (Central student assessment in primary schools:
comparative tests for grade 4 in seven federal states of Germany) A7: From students‘
achievement to the development of teaching: requirements for the feedback in
comparative tests |