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Volume 22, 2020, Issue 2

Approximation of Bivariate Functions by Fourier-Tchebychev "Circular'' Sums in \(L_{2,\rho}\)

Jurakhonov, O. A.
Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal. 2020 . Vol. 22. Issue 2. P.5-17
DOI 10.46698/n6807-7263-4866-r

On Unbounded Integral Operators with Quasisymmetric Kernels

Korotkov, V. B.
Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal. 2020 . Vol. 22. Issue 2. P.18-23
DOI 10.46698/y3646-7660-8439-j

Automorphisms of a Distance Regular Graph with Intersection Array {48,35,9;1,7,40}

Makhnev, A. A. , Bitkina, V. V. , Gutnova, A. K.
Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal. 2020 . Vol. 22. Issue 2. P.24-33
DOI 10.46698/n0833-6942-7469-t

Approximation Properties of Discrete Fourier Sums in Polynomials Orthogonal on Non-Uniform Grids

Nurmagomedov, A. A.
Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal. 2020 . Vol. 22. Issue 2. P.34-47
DOI 10.46698/k4355-6603-4655-y

Tosha-Degree Equivalence Signed Graphs

Rajendra, R. , Reddy, P. S. K.
Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal. 2020 . Vol. 22. Issue 2. P.48-52
DOI 10.46698/m4113-7350-5686-a

On Multidimensional Determinant Differential-Operator Equations

Rakhmelevich, I. V.
Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal. 2020 . Vol. 22. Issue 2. P.53-69
DOI 10.46698/g9113-3086-1480-k

On Positive Solutions of the Boundary Value Problem for a Nonlinear Integro-Differential Equation on a Semi-Infinite Interval

Khachatryan, Kh. A. , Petrosyan, H. S.
Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal. 2020 . Vol. 22. Issue 2. P.70-82
DOI 10.46698/o2774-2458-4152-d

On Representation of Certain Integrals Using the Values of a Function and its Derivatives

Shustov, V. V.
Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal. 2020 . Vol. 22. Issue 2. P.83-97
DOI 10.46698/v5909-5966-1536-u

Sergej Nikolaevich Melikhov (on his 60's anniversary)

Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal. 2020 . Vol. 22. Issue 2. P.98-99

In Memory of Alexei Borisovich Shabat (08.08.1937 - 24.03.2020)

Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal. 2020 . Vol. 22. Issue 2. P.100-102
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