New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 24 (2018), 897-901


Mark Pengitore

Corrigendum to "Effective separability of finitely generated nilpotent groups", New York J. Math. 24 (2018), 83--145.

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Published: October 6, 2018.
Keywords: Nilpotent groups, residual finiteness, conjugacy separable.
Subject: 20F18, 20E25.

In previous work [4], the author claimed a characterization for FG(n) and lower asymptotic bounds for ConjG(n) when G is a finitely generated nilpotent group. However, a counterexample to the characterization of FG(n) for finitely generated nilpotent groups was communicated to us by Khalid Bou-Rabee which also had consequences to the lower asymptotic bound provided for ConjG(n). The purpose of this note to explain what is incorrect in [4] along with the counterexample provided to us. We will also explain what remains correct in [4] and how we obtain weaker lower bounds for FN(n) and ConjN(n) which are found in the author's thesis and a forthcoming preprint.


Author information

Mark Pengitore:
Department of Mathematics
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH 43210, USA
