has been written about the mathematical qualities of Andrea Palladio's
Architecture, including his own I quattro libri dell'architettura.
Often this has been analyzed within the context of a larger collection
of architectural treatises, including Vitruvius' De architectura
and Alberti's De re aedificatoria, as well as works by
contemporaries of Palladio, such as Daniele Barbaro, Cesare Cesariano,
Sebastiano Serlio and Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola. These cinquecento
writings underscore the importance of proportion, symmetry and
geometry in Renaissance Italy: for example, Barbaro maintains
that "some arts have more of science and others less",
and the "more worthy [are] those wherein the art of numeracy,
geometry and mathematics is required". Lionello Puppi concludes,
"Architecture obviously came into this category...Palladio...bring[s]
to the concrete stage of his planning operation a single-minded
scientific approach, arrived at through 'lofty speculation' into
number and proportion". Rudolph Wittkower asserts, "The
conviction that architecture is a science, and that each part
of a building, inside as well as outside, has to be integrated
into one and the same system of mathematical ratios, may be called
the basic axiom of Renaissance architects". Many modern authors
have analyzed Wittkower's thesis that harmonic proportions derived
from musical scales played a central role in the minds and designs
of Renaissance theorists and architects. Central to this debate
is Palladio's oeuvre--his architecture and his Quattro libri.
Prof. Wassell's essay provides a review of the mathematical aspects of Palladio's work as it has been discussed in the literature and offers a novel perspective on his mathematical approach to architectural design. The author argues that, given the amount of discussion already focused on the role that harmonic proportions played in the Palladio's architecture, it is now time to search further for other mathematical facets of his design philosophy. The analysis is arranged in three sections: geometry, proportion and symmetry."