of the single most important ideas emerging from Alberti's concepts
is that of the relationship between the artist's ingenuity and
his natural and social surroundings, that is, the relationship
between the world and the artist's representation of it. It has
been noted that this concept resonates singularly with that of
Nicholas of Cusa, with whom Alberti shared mutual friendships.
The idea of the creativity of the artist's mind, including thoughts
on his relationship to the world around him, his capacity to harmoniously
reconstruct in accordance with innate proportions (the mind is
the locus of proportion, Nicholas wrote) and the beauty of discordant,
contradictory Nature, is clearly developed in De Mente
and other works anterior to 1450, when Alberti labored over De
re aedificatoria. Nicholas' idea of the architectonic vis
of the human mind finds a singular consonance with Alberti's vis
compositionis, according to which the artist imitates the
divine ars in recomposing the contradictions, irregularities
and even monstrosities of the world. Neither Nicholas nor Alberti
presents the concept of the relationship between the artist and
the world around him as something tranquil and objectively given,
but rather as a continuing tension. It is a personal conquest
by the artist's ingenuity that corrects and upholds the mira
vis creatrix of nature. In part, the painter must draw out
of nature the beauty that certainly exists but is not always apparent,
and in part he must be capable of drawing it out of himself."