Manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail to the Editors at the
Publications Office of the
Academy. The submission of a paper implies that it is not being
submitted to any other journal for publication. Submission must
be in electronic form, produced using LaTeX and following
the guidelines given below. If accepted for publication, the paper
must incorporate the Academy's style template, provided in the author
package. Authors are encouraged to use this template for their initial
submission, but this is not required.
The author package consists of three files: a class file,
pri.cls, which generates the design
specifications of the journal; a tex file,pri2egui.tex,
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in LaTeX; and a text file: readme.txt,
which contains simple instructions on how to use the class
and tex files.
Each paper must be preceded by an abstract not exceeding 150 words,
which should
be intelligible in itself without reference to the paper.
The length of the paper submitted for publication should not normally
exceed ten
printed pages (approximately 5,000 words); papers exceeding thirty
(approximately 15,000 words) will not be considered without the
approval of the
Editors or Publication Committee.
Authors should use either ‘British English’ spellings
consistently or ‘American English’
spellings consistently.
Reference to theorems, proofs, tables etc. in the paper itself
should have an initial uppercase letter: ‘see Theorem 4 above’.
Reference to theorems, proofs, tables etc. in other papers should
have an initial lowercase letter: ‘it was shown in [5, proposition
2] that’.
Use italic formatting to introduce/define terminology: ‘The
Lorentzian inner product is defined by…’.
Items in the reference list should be ordered first alphabetically
and then chronologically, i.e. initially, according to the first
author’s surname—with single-author works preceding
two-author works, which precede three-author works—and then
according to the date of publication. Three-author works with the
same first author should be arranged chronologically, rather than
alphabetically, according to second author. The individual items
should be given a number depending on their position in the list,
[1] A.T. Brown..1992
[2] A.T. Brown..1996
[3] A.T. Brown and W. Smith..1994
[4] A.T. Brown, W. Smith and S. Jones..1994
[4] A.T. Brown, S. Jones and W. Smith..1996
[5] W. Smith..2000
Citations of references in the main text should be in this format:
‘The results shown in [4, theorem 2]…’; ‘According
to previous studies [6; 8; 9]…’
Every item in the reference list must be cited in the paper.
Here are some sample references. Note the order, formatting and
punctuation of the various pieces of information.
Important: all journal/series/book titles must be spelled
out in full
[1] H. Heuser, Functional analysis, Wiley, Chichester,
Article in journal
[1] S. Yu and G. Ban, A theorem about LA-groups, Journal of
Guangxi University 19 (1) (1994), 10–18.
Chapter in book
[1] Y.K. Kim and A. Rhemtulla, On locally graded groups, in D.L.
Johnson and A.C. Kim (eds), Proceedings of the Third International
Conference on Group Theory, Pusan, Korea, 1994, Springer, Berlin–Heidelberg–New
York, 1995, 191–7.
Book in series
[1] W. Arveson, Continuous analogues of Fock space, Memoirs
of the American Mathematical Society 409, Cambridge, Mass., 1989.
Unpublished thesis
[1] M. Mackey, JB*-triples and the quasi-invertible manifold,
unpublished PhD thesis, University College Dublin, 1999.
Electronic preprint
[1] S. Buckley, Relative solidity for spaces of analytic functions,
preprint (electronic), National University of Ireland, Maynooth,
posted May 1999 (see
Where a cited reference exists online, a URL may be added to the
Illustrations should be included within the paper at the position
and size that best suits the reference or references to the figure
in the text, usually just after the first reference. They can be
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least 300dpi. Colour can be used sparingly, but only when it helps
understanding. However there will continue to be a limited number
of printed copies of the journal in black and white, so, for example,
lines on a graph of different colours should also have a different
form, i.e. the first a full line, the second a dashed line, etc.
The main text must always contain references to all illustrations
used, e.g. Fig. or Figs with arabic numerals. The captions for the
figures should be underneath the figures and on the same page. Authors
must obtain written permission to use illustrations by anyone other
than the author(s) that are still in copyright. Even if the illustration
is no longer in copyright, an acknowledgement of a source other
than the author(s) must be included in the caption.
Captions should be typed at the top of the tables. Tables should
be included within the paper at the position that best suits the
reference or references to the table in the text, usually just after
the first reference. However, a table should not cross from one
page to the next, unless it is too large to fit on one page. The
main text must contain references to all tables used. Vertical rules
should be avoided.
Authors are asked to check and return proofs by e-mail without delay
when requested Corrections and answers to editorial queries should
also be returned immediately by e-mail.