Next: 2. Schröder arrays and
Up: Schröder Triangles, Paths, and
Previous: Schröder Triangles, Paths, and
Our intention is to consider the Schröder numbers, not as isolated
sequences, but
as belonging to larger arrays in which they form
the main diagonals as in
Table 1.
define the Schröder numbers,
sn = 1, 1, 3, 11, 45, 197, ...
rn = 1, 2, 6, 22, 90, 394, ... , for
n = 0, 1, 2, ...,
by (1) and (4).
As Stanley noted in his recent
survey [24] regarding these numbers,
apparently some of them were known to Hipparchus
during the second century B.C. In 1870, Ernst Schröder [20]
formulated them while enumerating unrestricted bracketings of words. These
numbers have appeared in other contexts: they count dissections of a convex
polygon [6,7],
certain polyominoes [2,27],
various lattice paths [2,15,18,23], plane
trees [4,8,15,19],
ukasiewicz words [12,14],
and permutations avoiding given patterns [1,9,10,19,28].
Three recent combinatorial treatments of these numbers as isolated sequences,
not as part of triangular arrays, are [8,26,27].
(They are sequences
in the Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
We will define two recurrence arrays or essentially, ``renewal arrays''
as in [17] or ``Riordan arrays'' as in [21].
We will obtain combinatorial interpretations of these
arrays in terms of lattice paths and bi-colored parallelogram polyominoes.
While there are other
arrays that contain the Schröder numbers
(for instance, Table 2),
these two seem very
natural. They have been studied by Rogers[16,18],
by Rogers and Shapiro [15,19], and by others
[3,25]. Since each entry for (m,n), in either
array, counts constrained lattice paths for a given step set
to the lattice point (m,n) in Z2, it is convenient
to index the arrays as lying in the coordinate plane
instead of the arrays as matrices.
Table 1:
The arrays for S(m,n) and R(m,n).
Next: 2. Schröder arrays and
Up: Schröder Triangles, Paths, and
Previous: Schröder Triangles, Paths, and