Unimodality of Differences of Specialized Schur Functions
V. Reiner
and D. Stanton
University of Minnesota School of Mathematics Minneapolis MN 55455
DOI: 10.1023/A:1008623312887
The centered difference of principally specialized Schur functions
s [( l)\tilde] (1, q, \frac{1}{4} , q n ) - q n s [( l)\tilde] (1, q, \frac{1}{4} , q n ) s_{\tilde λ} (1,q, \ldots ,q^n ) - q^n s_{\tilde λ} (1,q, \ldots ,q^n )
Pages: 91–107 Keywords: unimodality; peck; principal specialization Full Text: PDF References1. M. Aigner, “Lexicographic matching in Boolean algebras,” J. Combin. Th. B 14 (1973), 187-194.
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