The Descent Monomials and a Basis for the Diagonally Symmetric Polynomials
E.E. Allen
DOI: 10.1023/A:1022481303750
Let R( X) = Q[ x 1, x 2, ..., x n] be the ring of polynomials in the variables X = { x 1, x 2, ..., x n} and R*( X) denote the quotient of R( X) by the ideal generated by the elementary symmetric functions. Given a s ( X) = Õ s i \succ s i + 1 ( x s 1 x s 2 \frac{1}{4} x s i ) _σ(X) = \prod\nolimits_{σ_i \succ σ_{i + 1} } {(x_{σ_1 } x_{σ_2 } \ldots x_{σ_i } } ) In the late 1970s I. Gessel conjectured that these monomials, called the descent monomials, are a basis for R*( X). Actually, this result was known to Steinberg [10]. A. Garsia showed how it could be derived from the theory of Stanley-Reisner Rings [3]. Now let R( X, Y) denote the ring of polynomials in the variables X = { x 1, x 2, ..., x n} and Y = { y 1, y 2, ..., y n}. The diagonal action of s P( X, Y) = P( x s 1 , x s 2 , \frac{1}{4} , x s n , y s 1 , y s 2 , \frac{1}{4} , y s n ) σP(X,Y) = P(x_{σ_1 } ,x_{σ_2 } , \ldots ,x_{σ_n } ,y_{σ_1 } ,y_{σ_2 } , \ldots ,y_{σ_n } ) Let R
( X, Y) be the subring of R( X, Y) which is invariant under the diagonal action. Let R
*( X, Y) denote the quotient of R
( X, Y) by the ideal generated by the elementary symmetric functions in X and the elementary symmetric functions in Y. Recently, A. Garsia in [4] and V. Reiner in [8] showed that a collection of polynomials closely related to the descent monomials are a basis for R
*( X, Y). In this paper, the author gives elementary proofs of both theorems by constructing algorithms that show how to expand elements of R*( X) and R
*( X, Y) in terms of their respective bases.

Pages: 5–16
Keywords: descent monomial; diagonally symmetric polynomials; polynomial quotient ring
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2. E. Allen, "A conjecture of Procesi and the straightening algorithm of G.C. Rota," Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 89 (1992), 3980-3984.
3. A. Garsia, "Combinatorial methods in the theory of Cohen-Macaulay rings," Adv. Math. 38 (1980), 229-266.
4. A. Garsia, "Unpublished classroom notes," Winter 1991, University of California, San Diego, CA.
5. A. Garsia and I. Gessel, "Permutation statistics and partitions," Adv. Math. 31 (1979), 288-305.
6. B. Gordon, "Two theorems on multipartite partitions," J. London Math. Soc. 38 (1963), 459-464.
7. P.A. MacMahon, Combinatory Analysis /-//, Cambridge University Press, London/New York, 1916; Chelsea, New York, 1960.
8. V Reiner, "Quotients of Coxeter complexes and P-partitions," Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 95 (460), 1992.
9. R. Stanley, "Ordered structures and partitions," Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 119, 1972.
10. R. Steinberg, "On a theorem of Pittie," Topology 14 (1975), 173-177.