Zonal polynomials for wreath products
Hiroshi Mizukawa
National Defense Academy in Japan Department of Mathematics Yokosuka 239-8686 Japan Yokosuka 239-8686 Japan
DOI: 10.1007/s10801-006-0031-6
The pair of groups, symmetric group S 2 n and hyperoctohedral group H n , form a Gelfand pair. The characteristic map is a mapping from the graded algebra generated by the zonal spherical functions of ( S 2 n , H n ) into the ring of symmetric functions. The images of the zonal spherical functions under this map are called the zonal polynomials. A wreath product generalization of the Gelfand pair ( S 2 n , H n ) is discussed in this paper. Then a multi-partition versions of the theory is constructed. The multi-partition version of zonal polynomials are products of zonal polynomials and Schur functions and are obtained from a characteristic map from the graded Hecke algebra into a multipartition version of the ring of symmetric functions.
Pages: 189–215
Keywords: keywords zonal polynomial; Schur function; Gelfand pair; Hecke algebra; hypergeometric function
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2. T. Ceccherini-Silberstein, F. Scarabotti, and F. Tolli, “Trees, wreath products and finite Gelfand pairs,” Advances in Math. in press.
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