Triple Multiplicities for sl(r + 1) and the Spectrum of the Exterior Algebra of the Adjoint Representation
A.D. Berenstein
and A.V. Zelevinsky
DOI: 10.1023/A:1022429213282
A new combinatorial expression is given for the dimension of the space of invariants in the tensor product of three irreducible finite dimensional sl(r + 1)-modules (we call this dimension the triple multiplicity). This expression exhibits a lot of symmetries that are not clear from the classical expression given by the Littlewood-Richardson rule. In our approach the triple multiplicity is given as the number of integral points of the section of a certain
polyhedral convex cone by a plane determined by three highest weights. This allows us to study triple multiplicities using ideas from linear programming. As an application of this method, we prove a conjecture of B. Kostant that describes all irreducible constituents of the exterior algebra of the adjoint sl(r + 1)-module.

Pages: 7–22
Keywords: tensor product multiplicities; systems of linear inequalities
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