The Shuffle Pasting
Sjoerd E. Crans
DOI: 10.1023/B:JACO.0000030701.08434.7b
The graded set of n-dimensional ( p, q)-shuffles is endowed with the structure of well-formed loop-free pasting scheme. In the process, well-formed subpasting schemes and their sources and targets are characterized, using a higher Bruhat type order.
Pages: 223–256
Keywords: shuffle pasting
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9. S.E. Crans, “On braidings, syllepses, and symmetries,” Cahiers Topologie Géom. Différentielle Catég. XLI(1) (2000).
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11. S.E. Crans, “Braided 2-categories and Zamolodchikov systems,” in preparation.
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1989. CRANS
19. J.P. May, “The geometry of iterated loop-spaces,” vol. 271 of Lecture Notes in Math., Springer Verlag, New York, 1972.
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2. M.A. Batanin, “Monoidal globular categories as natural environment for the theory of weak n-categories,” Adv. Math. 136 (1998), 39-103.
3. H.J. Baues, “Geometry of loop spaces and the cobar construction,” Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 25(230) (1980).
4. C. Berger, “Double loop spaces, braided monoidal categories and algebraic 3-type of space,” in Higher Homotopy Structures in Topology and Mathematical Physics (Poughkeepsie, 1996), J. McCleary (Ed.), vol. 227 of Contemp. Math., pp. 49-66, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1999.
5. J.M. Boardman and R.M. Vogt, “Homotopy invariant algebraic structures on topological spaces,” vol. 347 of Lecture Notes in Math., Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1973.
6. R. Brown and P.J. Higgins, “The classifying space of a crossed complex,” Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 110 (1991), 95-120.
7. S.E. Crans, “On combinatorial models for higher dimensional homotopies,” Ph.D. thesis, Utrecht University, 1995.
8. S.E. Crans, “Generalized centers of braided and sylleptic monoidal 2-categories,” Adv. Math. 136 (1998), 183-223.
9. S.E. Crans, “On braidings, syllepses, and symmetries,” Cahiers Topologie Géom. Différentielle Catég. XLI(1) (2000).
10. S.E. Crans, “Higher-dimensional Mac Lane's pentagon and Zamolodchikov equations,” J. Pure Appl. Algebra 168 (2002), 347-365.
11. S.E. Crans, “Braided 2-categories and Zamolodchikov systems,” in preparation.
12. C. Hermida, M. Makkai, and J. Power, “On weak higher dimensional categories I,” J. Pure Appl. Algebra 154 (2000), 221-246, 157 (2001), 247-277 and 166 (2002), 83-104.
13. M. Johnson, “Pasting diagrams in n-categories with applications to coherence theorems and categories of paths,” Preprint 88-14, University of Sydney.
14. M. Johnson, “The combinatorics of n-categorical pasting,” J. Pure Appl. Algebra 62 (1989), 211-225.
15. A. Joyal and M. Tierney, “Algebraic homotopy types,” unpublished.
16. M.M. Kapranov and V.A. Voevodsky, “Combinatorial-geometric aspects of polycategory theory: Pasting schemes and higher Bruhat orders (list of results),” Cahiers Topologie Géom. Différentielle Catég. 32 (1991), 11-27.
17. R.J. Lawrence, “Yang-Baxter type equations and posets of maximal chains,” J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 79 (1997), 68-104.
18. Y.I. Manin and V.V. Schechtman, “Arrangements of hyperplanes, higher braid groups and higher Bruhat orders,” in Algebraic Number Theory, J. Coates, R. Greenberg, B. Mazur, and I. Satake (Eds.), vol. 17 of Adv. Stud. Pure Math., pp. 289-308, Academic Press, Boston,
1989. CRANS
19. J.P. May, “The geometry of iterated loop-spaces,” vol. 271 of Lecture Notes in Math., Springer Verlag, New York, 1972.
20. R.J. Milgram, “Iterated loop spaces,” Ann. of Math. 84(2) (1966), 386-403.
21. R. Street, “The algebra of oriented simplexes,” J. Pure Appl. Algebra 49 (1987), 283-335.
22. R.W. Thomason, “Cat as a closed model category,” Cahiers Topologie Géom. Différentielle Catég. XXI (1980), 305-324.