Leaves in Representation Diagrams of Bipartite Distance-Regular Graphs
Michael S. Lang
DOI: 10.1023/B:JACO.0000011939.15842.26
denote a bipartite distance-regular graph with diameter D
3 and valency k
3. Let
0 >
1 ;;; >
D denote the eigenvalues of
and let q h ij (0
h, i, j
D) denote the Krein parameters of
. Pick an integer h (1
D - 1). The representation diagram
h is an undirected graph with vertices 0,1,..., D. For 0
i, j
D, vertices i, j are adjacent in
whenever i
j and q h ij
0. It turns out that in
, the vertex 0 is adjacent to h and no other vertices. Similarly, the vertex D is adjacent to D - h and no other vertices. We call 0, D the trivial vertices of
. Let l denote a vertex of
. It turns out that l is adjacent to at least one vertex of
. We say l is a leaf whenever l is adjacent to exactly one vertex of
. We show
has a nontrivial leaf if and only if
is the disjoint union of two paths.

Pages: 245–254
Keywords: primitive idempotent; eigenvalue; association scheme; Q-polynomial; antipodal
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