Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 452671, 13 pages
Research Article

Chaos Control and Hybrid Projective Synchronization of a Novel Chaotic System

Tao Wang,1,2 Kejun Wang,2 and Nuo Jia1,2

1College of Mathematics Science, Harbin Normal University, Harbin 150025, China
2College of Automation, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China

Received 22 August 2010; Revised 8 February 2011; Accepted 14 March 2011

Academic Editor: Massimo Scalia

Copyright © 2011 Tao Wang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Adaptive feedback controllers based on Lyapunov's direct method for chaos control and hybrid projective synchronization (HPS) of a novel 3D chaotic system are proposed. Especially, the controller can be simplified ulteriorly into a single scalar one to achieve complete synchronization. The HPS between two nearly identical chaotic systems with unknown parameters is also studied, and adaptive parameter update laws are developed. Numerical simulations are demonstrated to verify the effectiveness of the control strategies.