Journal of Theoretical Medicine
Volume 1 (1998), Issue 3, Pages 169-173

Negative Control of Cell Proliferation. Growth Arrest versus Apoptosis. Role of βGBP

Cell Growth Regulation Laboratory, Division of Life Sciences, King's College London Atkins Building, Campden Hill Road, London W8 7AH, UK

Received 7 January 1997; Accepted 9 June 1997

Copyright © 1998 Hindawi Publishing Corporation. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


βGBP is a novel physiological negative growth regulator of the cell and a cytostatic factor.It is secreted by cells, and bybinding with high affinity to specific cell surface receptors. In normal cell surface receptors. In normal cells, βGBP physiologically controls transition from G0 to G1 and passage from late S phase to G2 by modulating signalling cascades activated by tyrosine Kinase receptors and by affecting transcription events.As a cytostatic Factor βGBP has a marked growth inhibitory effect on a variety of tumours including leukaemias where growth arrest is followed by the activation of apoptotic pathways and cell death.