EMIS ELibM Electronic Journals Bulletin, Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles, Sciences mathématiques naturelles / sciences mathematiques
Vol. CXXXI, No. 30, pp. 9–27 (2005)

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Fine resolution of the sheaf of germs of holomorphic projective vector fields on two dimensional projectively flat complex manifold

Olivera Milenkovic

Ericsson Systems Expertise, Beech Hill, Clonskeagh, Dublin 4 (Ireland), Olivera.Milenkovic@ericsson.com

Abstract: In the article fine resolution of the sheaf of germs of complex projective vector fields on a locally projective complex manifold $M^{4}$ of complex dimension $n = 2$ is given. The local coordinate charts on the manifolds are chosen so that they are adapted to the complex projective pseudo-group structure and carry therefore the geometry of the structure.

Keywords: fine resolution; sheaf; locally projective complex manifold; holomorphic projective vector field

Classification (MSC2000): 58A05; 14F05

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Electronic fulltext finalized on: 21 Nov 2005. This page was last modified: 20 Jun 2011.

© 2005 Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts
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