Ethical and malpractice statement
Duty of editors
- Every paper, which is submitted for publication should be treated equally without discrimination on grounds of gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, ethnic or geographical origin of the authors.
- Every submitted paper should be send to the referees for peer review process and at the end of the process he/she should send to the author's reports related to the paper, whether it is positive or negative. Within those report the editor will help authors to improve their paper in case if they are willing to send it for publication elsewhere.
- Editors should protect the confidentiality of the authors and referees, during the evaluation period of the manuscript.
- He/she should be able to handle any revision of the work, improvements, or even some other forms. He/she should also be able to communicate with the authors and the referees in full confidentiality with regard to the work being processed. The information received from the authors should not to be public and it could be used only for matters related to the paper in consideration.
- Make a proposal to the editor in chief for acceptance (rejection) of the paper on the basis of the referee reports which are made in merits of the paper and not in any other form, and based on its professional opinion.
- To make the decision for a reviewed paper based only on merits of the scientific-research of the manuscript.
- To propose strict rules for referees in terms of the correctness of their behavior in relation to the accepted manuscript for publication and ensure the quality of the material they publish.
- To continuously follow the work of the referees in order to increase the evaluation and efficiency of their work.
- In case where it is proved that author/authors have research misconduct the publisher or editor shall deal with allegations appropriately; and based on the level of research misconducting, editor will propose the retracting of the paper.
- All authors have possibility to correct their articles with submission form "Correction of the paper", and the journal will
publish it without any doubt, also authors allowed to submit clarifications related to their published papers in case when it needed. In all cases where the editors, referees have made any mistake in treating the manuscript of the authors, there are willing to apologies to the authors.
Duties of Referees
The submitted work for evaluation, should be treated equally for everyone, and without any distinction.
Any manuscript in which there is a conflict of interest should not be evaluated by the referee. In this case he/she should notify the editor who treats this work and who at same time receives proposal for someone else for refereeing it.
For each paper one should make an evaluation report, whether it is a positive or negative report, since also negative reports support authors to improve their article for publishing it elsewhere.
It does not include in reports its own citations if they are not necessary and if they are not used by the authors of the paper which is in the evaluation.
Be able to review the entire paper and even its revised version and to be correct with the author.
To alarm the editor if the same work or part of it has been published elsewhere.
If he realizes the name of an author who has not given any contribution to the work or an author is added meanwhile and he did not provide the essential results, then he/she must notify the editor of the reviewing paper.
If the authors are colleagues or acquainted with the referee, then the referee should address the issue to the editor and inform him that he cannot refer that paper.
If he/she realizes that a part of the paper under review is published elsewhere or is presented at any conference, then he/she should inform the editor.
When submitting a manuscript for publication, the authors agree that the rights of the work are transferred to the publisher.
Each work sent for publication should be considered as original work.
He/she should note that paper which has been submitted for publication has not been sent elsewhere, during the time is under review of our journal.
If there is more than one author, then they will send the consent that the work has been submitted for publication in agreement with all of them.
All the papers that are used in the manuscript submitted for publication should be quoted and any other remarks or assistance from other persons should be pointed.
If the work or a part of it is presented somewhere in a conference, or in a workshop, it should be mentioned during submission.
He/she should emphasize in each manuscript the organization, society etc. that has supported the work.
If there are mistakes in the publishing article in the journal, the author should submit a correction/corrigendum paper.
To cite his work, previously published in the case he used some parts of it.
BMATHAA Bulletin