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Journal BEIO
BEIO (Bulletin of Statistics and Operations Research) is a quarterly journal that publishes scientific divulgative articles on Statistics and Operations Research. Such articles aim to treat relevant topics in a way accessible to the majority of professionals in Statistics and Operations Research without sacrificing scientific rigour in the treatment of the subject in question. The Sections included in the journal are: Statistics, Operations Research, Official Statistics, History and Teaching, and Opinions about the Profession.
BEIO appeared for the first time in 1985 as the “Informative Bulletin of the SEIO” and has evolved continually over the years. The first scientific article was published in BEIO in 1994 and the number of scientific articles published in it increased until, in 2008, the purely informative sections of the Bulletin were dropped as it begins to emerge as a journal for the divulgation of Statistics and Operations Research. BEIO editors have been Bernardo José Miguel Herranz (1985-1987), Javier Yáñez Gestoso (1988-1993), Francisco Javier Quintana Martin (1993-2004), Jesus Lopez Fidalgo (2005-2008), María del Carmen Pardo Llorente (2009-2013). Ana María Aguilera del Pino (2013-2017). Salvador Naya Fernández and Mª Teresa Santos Martín (2017-2020). Since March 2021 the editors are Anabel Forte Deltell and Francisco Parreño Torres. The articles published in BEIO are indexed in Scopus, MathScinet, Biblioteca Digital Española de Matemáticas, Dialnet (Documat), Current Index to Statistics, The Electronic Library of Mathematics (ELibM), Scirus, COMPLUDOC and Catálogo Cisne Complutense