p. 197 - 200 On the computation of multiplicity by the reduction of dimension E. Boďa and D. Jašková Received: March 4, 2008; Revised: January 16, 2009; Accepted: January 17, 2009 Abstract. In this short note we describe one method for the computation of the Samuel multiplicity of the polynomial ideals and prove a formula for the multiplicity of the ideal αixiai βi+1 xi+1bi+1; i =1,. . ., n) . R in R (with the convention xn+1 = x1, βn+1 = β1, bn+1 = b1), where (R, m) = k[x1, x1, . . ,xn](x1, x1, . . ,xn) is a local polynomial ring over an algebraic closed field k. Keywords: parameter ideal; multiplicity; polynomiale parametrization. AMS Subject classification: Primary: 13H15 Secondary: 13B02 PDF Compressed Postscript Version to read ISSN 0862-9544 (Printed edition) Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Comenius University 842 48 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Telephone: + 421-2-60295111 Fax: + 421-2-65425882 e-Mail: amuc@fmph.uniba.sk Internet: www.iam.fmph.uniba.sk/amuc © 2009, ACTA MATHEMATICA UNIVERSITATIS COMENIANAE |