Archivum mathematicum

ISSN 1212-5059 · Volume 40 (2004), No. 2 · Electronic Edition

L. Ximin, D. Junlei
Stable space-like hypersurfaces in the Sitter space
p. 111-117: Abstract, gzip-ps (125 K), pdf (95K)

M. Caldas, G. Navalagi
On weak forms of preopen and preclosed functions
p. 119-128: Abstract, gzip-ps  (143K), pdf (124K)

M. Chellali, E. Fliouet
Extensions purement inseparables d'exposant non borne
p. 129-159: Abstract, gzip-ps (261K), pdf (276K)

J. Snellman
The ring of arithmetical functions with unitary convolution:
Divisorial and topological properties
p. 161-179: Abstract, gzip-ps (200K), pdf (184K)

A. I. Fedotov
Convergence of cubature-differences method for multidimensional
singular integro-differential equations
p. 181-191: Abstract, gzip-ps (153K), pdf (124K)

U. Elias
Eventual disconjugacy of $y^{(n)} + \mu p(x)y=0$ for every  $\mu$
p. 193-200: Abstract, gzip-ps (148K), pdf (119K)

P. Wang, M. Wang
Oscillation of a class of higher order neutral differential equations
p. 201-208: Abstract, gzip-ps (133K), pdf (102K)

K. Kamo
Asymptotic equivalence for positive decaying solutions of the generalized
Emden-Fowler equations and its applications to elliptic problems
p. 209-217: Abstract, gzip-ps (136K), pdf (109K)