Zentralblatt MATH
Publications of (and about) Paul Erdös
Zbl.No: 682.41031
Autor: Erdös, Paul; Vértesi, P.
Title: On certain saturation problems. (In English)
Source: Acta Math. Hung. 53, No. ½, 197-203 (1989).
Review: In the present paper, the author studies certain saturation problems on the interpolatory linear operators (Lnf)(x) = sum0 \leq k \leq nf(k/n)|x-k/n|-r/sum0 \leq k \leq n |x-k/n/|-r; 0 \leq x \leq 1, n \geq 1, where r > 2 is a fixed real number, f in C[0,1], and gives two theorems on it. His main result is as follows: ``Theorem: Let 0 < x0 < 1 be a fixed irrational number, {yr}oor-1 be an arbitrary sequence with yr\ne x0, r = 1,2,..., limr > ooyr = x0. Further let 0 < p* \leq 1/3 (real), p,q > 0, (p,q) = 1 (integers), 0 \leq \gamma < p, 0 \leq \delta < q (reals) be fixed numbers. Then there exist a sequence {xk}\subset {yr} and positive integers {\ellk}ook = 1 and {nk}ook = 1 with 1 < n1 < n2 < .... i.e. limk > oonk = oo such that relations
|x0-(p\ellk+\gamma)/(qnk+\delta)| = o(1/nk), k = 1,2,... , and
p*/2nk \leq |xk-(p\ellk+\gamma)/(qnk+\delta)| \leq (2p+2)p/nk, k = 1,2,..., hold true.
Reviewer: S.P.Singh
Classif.: * 41A40 Saturation
41A05 Interpolation
41A36 Approximation by positive operators
Keywords: diophantine equation; modulus of continuity; saturation problems; interpolatory linear operators
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