Zentralblatt MATH
Publications of (and about) Paul Erdös
Zbl.No: 677.05053
Autor: Erdös, Paul; Pach, János; Spencer, Joel
Title: On the mean distance between points of a graph. (In English)
Source: Graph theory, 250th Anniv. Conf., Lafayette/Indiana 1986, Congr. Numerantium 64, 121-124 (1988).
Review: [For the entire collection see Zbl 663.00003.]
The (computer made) conjecture \mu(G) \leq r(G) is disproved (G is a connected graph, \mu(G) the mean distance and r(G) = sum \deg(x)- 1).
Reviewer: J.Rosicky
Classif.: * 05C40 Connectivity
Keywords: connected graph; mean distance
Citations: Zbl 663.00003
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