be an intersecting family of subsets of S (i.e. Ai\cap Aj\ne Ø) such that |Ai| =
Most of the latter part of the article is based on problems involving the partition symbol introduced by Rado and Erdös
which, as Erdös would say, `in human language' means that if we divide the r-tuples of A (which is a cardinal, ordinal or order type) into H classes (H a set) then for some h in H there is a subset of type Bn such that all r-tuples of Bn are in the same class. The equivalent symbol with (not)> replacing > means this is not true. Two examples given are:
(that is if we split the r-tuples of a denumerable set into K classes there is always an infinte set all of whose r-tuples are in the same class) and
(that is one can partition the pairs of real numbers into two classes such that every subset of power \aleph1 contains a pair from both classes). Many such problems are considered.
Reviewer: B.Burrows
Classif.: * 01A60 Mathematics in the 20th century
06-03 Historical (ordered structures)
04-03 Historical (set theory)
05-03 Historical (combinatorics)
00A07 Problem books
Keywords: denumerable set; partition
Citations: Zbl 611.00003
Biogr.Ref.: Rado, R.
© European Mathematical Society & FIZ Karlsruhe & Springer-Verlag