Zentralblatt MATH
Publications of (and about) Paul Erdös
Zbl.No: 148.05402
Autor: Erdös, Pál
Title: Remarks on a theorem of Zygmund (In English)
Source: Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., III. Ser. 14 A, 81-85 (1965).
Review: We call a sequence of integers n1 < n2 < ··· a Zygmund sequence if whenever |ak| > 0, the power series sumk = 1oo ak znk converges for at least one z with |z| = 1. It is known that any sequence {nk} satisfying nk+1/nk > 1+c (c > 0) is a Zygmund sequence, and that a Zygmund sequence con not contain arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions [cf. J.-P. Kahane (Zbl 121.30102)]. The author shows the following: Let n1 < n2 < ··· be a sequence which contains two subsequences {nki} and {nli}, 1 \leq i < oo, satisfying
ki > oo, ki < li < ki+1, li-ki > oo , (nli-nki)1/(li-ki) > 1. Then the above sequences is not a Zygmund sequence.
Reviewer: M.Kinukawa
Classif.: * 30B10 Power series (one complex variable)
Index Words: complex functions
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