This directory is organized in four subdirectories that contain some
contributions to the World Mathematical Year 2000 produced in Denmark.
Steen Markvorsen
Contains the web-site
På geometrisk opdagelsesrejse i tid og rum. (
A geometric excursion into time and space).
The web-site is based on the
annual lecture at the Technical University of Denmark 1999.
Vagn Lundsgaard Hansen
Contains four articles:
Matematikere elsker figuren - men holder på formen.
(Mathematicians love the figure - but go for the form).
Article in the Danish daily newspaper Berlingske Tidende, February 1, 2000.
At gå til matematik på Folkeuniversitetet.
(To attend mathematics at the Public University).
Summer newspaper from the Public University in Copenhagen,
April 12, 2000.
Fascinationen ved knuder. (The fascination of knots)
Article in the Danish magazine Aktuel Naturvidenskab, April-May, 2000.
Popularisering af matematik. (Popularisation of mathematics).
Article in the Danish magazine Aktuel Naturvidenskab, April-May, 2000.
Mathematical Postcards
Eight postcards with Danish texts based on submissions to the Poster
Competition arranged by the European Mathematical Society, May 2000.
Poster (in Danish and
Poster created in Denmark for the WMY2000.
EMS Poster Gallery
Contains the winning proposals from the poster competition arranged by the
European Mathematical Society, Spring 1999.