(English translation from the Japanese, Japanese text available)
The 9th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME 9) will be held from July 31 to August 6, 2000 in Tokyo/Makuhari. To make this occasion of international encounter successful the International Program Committee (IPC) and the National Organizating Committee (NOC) are doing the preparation jointly.
The year 2000 coincides with the turn of millennium and symbolizes the turn of culture and civilization. In fact, the development and the popularization of computer have made our society more information-oriented and are going to change the paradigm of intellectual activities, while advancements in the international telecommunication have compactified the realm of intellectual exchanges. At this moment it is natural to re-assess the value and the mission of mathematics and mathematical education. This is not only the very target of the Mathematical Year 2000 but also the central subject of the ICME 9 of the year 2000, because it concerns directly the fostering and training of young students and pupils who must create and shoulder the culture in the coming century.
The ICME 9 is the first ICME to be held in Asia; this is another characteristic of this congress. The mathematic education is the world-wide activity with the commonly shared goal and method but it is also individualistic because it reflects and depends on the cultural tradition. Thus the international cooperation is indispensable to seek the right way for the mathematical education in the new century. Let us try to unite the synthetic wisdom of the East and the analytical spirit of the West at the ICME 9.
The program of the ICME 9 follows the pattern of its recent predecessors; for example, there are, among others, four Plenary Lectures (PL), about forty Regular Lectures (RL), thirteen Working Groups for Action (WGA), and twenty three Topics Study Groups (TSG).
The International Round Table (IRT) on the first day will be organized in the spirit of the WMY 2000. Panelists at the hall will discuss on the expected image of mathematical education in the twenty first century. A few celebrities around the world will also participate in the discussion through media of the international telecommunication.
We are now selecting the RL lecturers, while the names of the PL lectures and the themes of WGA and TSG can be found in the First Announcement, which is already distributed. Furthermore the latest information including the names and e-mail addresses of chief organizers of WGA and TSG can be seen on our official home page
We shall distribute the Second Announcement in this summer to every corner of the world inviting earnestly every interested people to the ICME 9.
Chair of IPC, President of NOC,
Hiroshi FUJITA