by P. Bérard, Secretary of the CDE
The CDE (Commission on Development and Exchange of the International Mathematical Union) currently runs two programmes in order to promote mathematical research in developing countries.
The first programme offers partial travel support to mathematicians from developing countries who make an extended research visit in an advanced mathematical center ; it also applies to mathematicians from advanced countries who make an extended research visit in a mathematical center in a developing country. It is required that the host center commits itself to bearing the local expenses.
The second programme offers (limited) financial support to conferences of regional interest organized in developing countries.
The CDE has also begun to identify research teams of high quality in developing countries and to offer support on a three year basis (two teams have been supported so far).
Although CDE could address itself to a limited number of needs required in the development of Mathematics, it seems to us that CDE's support to Mathematics in the Third World is important both for its psychological and practical impact.
The CDE benefits from IMU funds, from grants awarded by ICSU and UNESCO as well as from donations by some mathematical societies. CDE's actions need continuity in order to be meaningful and hence a reasonable level of regular funding. WMY 2 000 should be a unique opportunity to achieve this goal. Using the dynamics of WMY 2 000 and the help of all the organizations already supporting CDE - especially UNESCO - a Trust Fund, which would ensure the financial stability of CDE, should be raised.
For more information on CDE actions or to make donations in support of CDE programmes, please write to : the Secretary of CDE, Professor P. Bérard