J.L. Lions, President of IMU
The declaration of Rio de Janeiro on Mathematics, the text of which is to be found in the next columns of this Newsletter, has declared year 2000 to be World Mathematical Year-in short WMY 2000.
I am glad to present the first issue of this Newsletter, the purpose of which is being intended to give the largest possible audience all informations related to this initiative.
Dissemination of this Newsletter is made possible thanks to the very kind help of the I.H.P. (Institut Henri Poincaré) and the École Polytechnique. All suggestions, remarks and correspondence, must be sent to the address given at the end of this Newsletter. Documentation and preparation for the first issue have been realized by Mrs. H.Gispert and Mrs. A.Theis, who is assisting me in my responsability as President of the International Mathematical Union.
Mrs. H.Gispert will gather all further information and will be in charge of preparing the next issues.
This Newsletter is sent to all the National Committees and National Commissions-ICMI, CDE, ICHM, and to the CTP, the Third World Academy of Sciences, ICPAM, adhering Organizations of IMU, as well as to the IMU and to other Mathematical Societies.
We thank in advance all these Committees and Institutions to help spreading this Newsletter as widely as possible, among their members and surroundings. We very much hope the tool we are just setting will greatly help encouraging this initiative.