Volume 26 (October 1994) Number 5
Neue Ansätze für Konzentrationsbereiche und
Arbeitsprogramme in der mathematikdidaktischen Forschung im deutsch-sprachigen
Raum: Darstellung, Analysen, Perspektiven. Osnabrück (Germany), 30.8. -
Inge Schwank, Osnabrück (Germany); Horst Struve, Landau (Germany)
Im deutschsprachigen Raum haben sich in den letzten Jahren vielerorts neue Ansätze in der mathematikdidaktischen Forschung herausgebildet. Ziel der Tagung war es, diese verschiedenen Forschungsrichtungen vorzustellen und Gelegenheit zu einer Diskussion ihrer gegenseitigen Beziehungen zu geben.
New starting-points for domains and working programmes in research in mathematics education in German speaking countries: Representation, analysis, perspectives. In the last decade new directions were developed for investigations in mathematics education. The conference this report is about had two aims. Firstly, it was an opportunity for presenting various didactical research typical for these directions. Secondly, it gave a change to compare the different paradigms of research and to discuss questions of compatibilities and relationships. - The complexity of the theme of the conference was reflected in the manifold of the subjects of the speeches. This showed the increasing differentiation of the field 'didactics of mathematics'. Roughly there were presented two types of research. On the one hand there was empirical research describing and explaining phenomena of reality. A maior point of interest were the modes of thinking of pupils. Several connections to cognitive psychology were stated. On the other hand there were investigations which were normative, e.g. proposals for the construction of teaching units or suggestions for the formation of curricula. Especially methodological problems as the justification of proposals were discussed.
Perspectives on the teaching of geometry for the 21st century. Discussion document for an ICMI study
This discussion document contains some considerations about the reasons for a study on geometry, about some aspects of geometry, about the question if there is a crisis in the teaching of geometry, about geometry as reflected in education and about new technology and teaching aids for geometry. In the chapter 'key issues and challenges for the future' some of the most relevant questions which arise from the previous considerations are listed. They concern aims, contents, methods, teaching aids, assessment, teacher preparation, evaluation of long-term effects and implementation.