Analyses: Computer aided geometry teaching and learning. Part 2
Part 1
Cabri-géomètre in a college classroom: Teaching and learning the
cosine-function with Cabri-géomètre
(Bernard Capponi, Rudolf Strässer) p. 165-171
Guided inquiry and geometry: Some aspects of teaching with technology
(Michal Yerushalmy, Daniel Chazan) p. 172-177
Entwicklung und Evaluation einer Computer-Mikrowelt im Geometrieunterricht (Development
and evaluation of a computer-microworld in the geometry classroom)
(G. Kadunz, H. Kautschitsch) p. 178-182
Interpretative Analyse eines Problemlöseversuchs im Zugmodus der
Cabri-Geometrie (Interpretative analysis of a problem solving trial in the
drag-mode of Cabri-géomètre)
(Reinhard Hölzl) p. 183-190
Using the computer in space geometry
(L.M. Doorman, H. v.d. Kooij) p. 191-196
Didaktische Perspektiven auf Werkzeugsoftware im Geometrieunterricht der
Sekundarstufe I (Didactic perspectives on software as tools in lower
secondary geometry teaching)
(Rudolf Strässer) p. 197-201
Computerunterstützter Geometrieunterricht: Bemerkungen zu den Analysen in
ZDM 92/4 und 92/5 (Computer aided geometry teaching and learning: Remarks on
the analyses in ZDM 92/4 and 92/5)
(Heinz Schumann, Rudolf Strässer) p. 202-203
Addresses of contributors
p. 203