Volume 34 (August 2002) Number 4ZDMZentralblatt für Didaktik der MathematikInternational Reviews on Mathematical Education
Analyses An ICMI Regional Conference: EM 2000. Grenoble (France), 15
- 17 July 2000 This text is a report of an international conference about mathematics
education in French-speaking countries in the XXth century and prospects for the
beginning of the XXIst century which was organised by the CFEM in Grenoble from
15th to 17th July, 2000. Pourquoi, pour qui enseigner les mathématiques? Une
mise en perspective historique de l'évolution des programmes, au XX e siècle,
en Belgique Why teach mathematics at all? A historical outline of the development
of education programmes in Belgium in the 20th century. The
evolution of education in Belgium is described from 1830 to our days. The
mastery of education has always been a subject of disputes between the political
forces in presence. With the flow of years, more attention is paid to social
considerations and the necessity of a more democratic educational system arises.
Simultaneously, the pedagogical ideas change and active methods of teaching are
promoted, although not always used. Different school systems still coexist.
However, except for philosophical and religious education, the differences
between them tend to diminish. This is in particular the case for mathematics
teaching whose evolution is also described with some details. Y a-t-il lieu d’envisager des Mathématiques
Post-modernes ? Is there a place for modelling in post-modern mathematics? In
order to give a right place to modeling as a major connexion of mathematics to
economic activities, we emphasize the contrast between modern mathematics and
polysemic mahematics. The philosophies of Popper and Quine are opposed in
accordance to the lignt they bring to modeling. That point of view leads to see
modeling as talking a language with the three syntaxical, semantical and
pragmatical components. This reinforces the importance of teaching the critic of
modeling and the critic by non conformist modeling. EM 2000 Mathématiques, quel avenir? EM 2000 – the future of mathematics. Delivered
as the closing session, this talk was supposed to be an opening towards the
future, both of children and humankind. There will be problems and challenges.
How is math involved? Math has permanent values, recognized by other scientists,
and also stable notions, some of them going back to the ancient Greeks. However
math is in a perpetual motion. Old notions get a new look, new notions appear,
as well as new relations with other sciences, international relations, including
developing countries, new trends and a new conception of mathematical sciences.
Math teaching should express both permanence and mobility of the subject,
utility and beauty. Informatics, probability and statistics, geometry and all
kinds of computing are subjects of reports under preparation, for a long term
view of math education. La preuve en mathématique Mathematical proof. Proof and deductive method
in mathematics have their origin in the classic model of exposition developed by
Euclid in his famous book on Elements. The attitude of mathematicians towards
this method has certainly evolved in the past centuries, but the relationship
between understanding and acceptability of mathematical statements has not
dramatically changed and still constitutes a characterising element of this
discipline.This paper is aimed at explaining and discussing some aspects which
may be considered at the origin of difficulties related to proof; in particular,
it focusses on the tension between two poles, that of production and that of
systematisation of mathematical knowledge. Some examples drawn from different
research projects are presented with the aim of illustrating the complementarity
of various aspects and problems concerning proof. In the first part, the
theoretical construct of Cognitive Unity is used to analyse and interpret the
relationship between the production of a conjecture and its proof. In the second
part, we present two long-term teaching experiments that are part of a research
project whose principal goal is to introduce pupils to theoretical thinking and
to study the role of particular microworlds in the teaching/learning processes.
Assuming a Vygotskian perspective, attention is focussed on the semiotic
mediation accomplished through cultural artefacts; in
the case of Geometry the microworld is Cabri-géomètr, in the case of algebra
the microworld is the prototype "L'Algebrista" (designed and realized
by our team). Pourquoi et pour qui enseigner les mathématiques? Une
mise en perspective historique de l’évolution des programmes au Québec au
XXème siècle Why teach mathematics at all? A historical outline of the development
of teaching programmes in Quebec in the 20th century. The history
of reform in the teaching of mathematics in Quebec since the start of the 20th
Century has been strongly influenced by a social and political context that
gives meaning to its particular orientation. In this paper, we attempt to trace
the important moments in the evolution of the teaching of mathematics through
the roles and missions that successive governments have given to schooling and
subsequent curricular reforms. Our analysis shows that the teaching of
mathematics has evolved from an essentially practical role, prior to 1945, to a
double role that is both practical and cultural, in the 1950s, with the balance
tipped in favor of the practical role. In the 1960s, the political will for
universal education and, more recently, the concern over forming persons who can
adapt to a constantly evolving society, are gradually pushing the Quebec
curricula towards major changes. Mathematics is presented as a powerful tool
that gives one a handle on reality, a complement of culture and an important
language that is essential to the communication of ideas. Throughout the various
reforms, these two finalities--the practical and the cultural--are constantly
present, varying in importance and meaning with the successive roles attributed
to schools. Our analysis shows a strong pragmatic anchoring of the first
mathematics programs in Quebec, one that has not disappeared over time. The
gradual curricular changes show, however, a progressive integration of the
cultural formation role of mathematics. Pourquoi, pour qui enseigner les mathématiques ?
Une mise en perspective historique de l’évolution des programmes de
mathématiques dans la société française au XXe siècle. Why teach mathematics at all? A historical outline of the development
of mathematics teaching programmes in France in the 20th century. Evolutions
of mathematical curricula in French society have been marked by the successive
answers institutions have given to the following question since one century: Why
and whom teaching mathematics ? Here I present two of these, one given in
1908 and one in 1967. Each symbolises a breaking period of reforms in secondary
mathematics teaching in France. We will see in the two first part of this paper
that they belong to two different worlds, with social, institutional,
ideological and mathematical specific features. In the third part, I’ll focus
on geometry, showing the effects of the different answers concerning the public
and the aims of mathematical teaching. Perspectives sur les recherches en didactique des
mathématiques Approaches to research in mathematics education. The paper
is a review of chosen approaches to research in mathematics education in several
countries: Germany, France, United States, Russia, Poland, Canada. The review is
done in the literary form of a satire, in which a character is taken on a voyage
to a variety of "islands" representing different re-search interests
and methodologies in mathematics education. The story is a parody of Homer's
Odyssee, and the main cha-racter is called Odysseus. Odysseus' role is played by
the famous arithmetic problem about a team of an unknown number of scythers who
are given the task of scything two meadows one of which is double the size of
the other. As the problem travels from one "island" to another,
mathematics educators do different things to and with the problem and it is
solved is a variety of ways. The main text of the paper reads as a story and
there are no explicit references and names of authors, whose work is only
alluded to. However, the solution to all allusions, i.e. explicit references,
can be found in the footnotes. L'enseignement des mathématiques dans les pays
francophones d'Afrique et de l'Ocean Indien Mathematics teaching in the French-speaking countries of
Africa and the Indian Ocean.We examine Mathematics teaching in the
French-speaking countries of Africa and the Indian Ocean, starting from the
consequences of the Colonial Period. At that time, education was mainly aimed at
preparing the civil servants., and there were no organized structure for
teaching. When they became independent, these countries started with the
French system and methods, but they progressively realized that it was not
totally adapted to the aims and specificities of such countries. So
progressively new systems and curricula were designed. In this paper, we
describe some examples, and give some trends in the development of Mathematics
education in Africa and Indian Ocean, and perspectives for the future. L’enseignement des mathématiques dans l’enseignement
secondaire maghrébin Mathematics teaching in secondary schools of the Maghreb region. The
goal of this talk is to study the following questions. Does the mathematics
teaching in the secondary schools in the Maghreb prepare to University studies
and more specifically does it initiate students to modern science and
technology ? Is anyone able to understand mathematics or is mathematics
only accessible to the happy few. Is it a means of selection? Is mathematics
omnipresent in our modern society? What relationship can one hope to find
between mathematics and other disciplines? Has mathematics evolved to such an
abstract and formal state that it seems difficult relate it to any other topic?
All these questions are discussed in relationship with the particular problems
in the Maghreb, namely the mathematics program as taught today in these
countries. |