Geometry & Topology, Vol. 6 (2002)
Paper no. 16, pages 425--494.
Cappell-Shaneson's 4-dimensional s-cobordism
Selman Akbulut
In 1987 S Cappell and J Shaneson constructed an s-cobordism H
from the quaternionic 3-manifold Q to itself, and asked whether H
or any of its covers are trivial product cobordism? In this paper we
study H, and in particular show that its 8-fold cover is the
product cobordism from S^3 to itself. We reduce the triviality of H
to a question about the 3-twist spun trefoil knot in S^4, and also
relate this to a question about a Fintushel-Stern knot surgery.
s-cobordism, quaternionic space
AMS subject classification.
Primary: 57R55, 57R65.
Secondary: 57R17, 57M50.
DOI: 10.2140/gt.2002.6.425
E-print: arXiv:math.GT/0208092
Submitted to GT on 4 September 2002.
Paper accepted 2 October 2002.
Paper published 23 October 2002.
Notes on file formats
Selman Akbulut
Department of Mathematics
Michigan State University
MI, 48824, USA
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