Geometry & Topology Monographs 3 (2000) -
Invitation to higher local fields,
Part I, section 14, pages 117-122
Explicit abelian extensions of complete discrete valuation fields
I. Zhukov
This work presents author's explicit methods of
constructing abelian extensions
of complete discrete valuation fields.
His approach to explicit
equations of a cyclic extension of degree p^n
which contains a given cyclic extension of degree p
is explained.
Keywords. Abelian extensions, complete discrete valuation fields.
AMS subject classification. 12F99, 12J25, 11-99.
E-print: arXiv:math.NT/0012145
Igor Zhukov
Department of mathematics and mechanics, St. Petersburg University,
Bibliotechnaya pl. 2, Staryj Petergof
198904 St. Petersburg, Russia
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