Geometry & Topology Monographs 2 (1999),
Proceedings of the Kirbyfest,
paper no. 1, pages 1-21.
Combinatorial Dehn surgery on cubed and Haken 3-manifolds
IR Aitchison and JH Rubinstein
A combinatorial condition is obtained for when immersed or embedded
incompressible surfaces in compact 3--manifolds with tori boundary
components remain incompressible after Dehn surgery. A combinatorial
characterisation of hierarchies is described. A new proof is given of
the topological rigidity theorem of Hass and Scott for 3--manifolds
containing immersed incompressible surfaces, as found in cubings of
non-positive curvature.
3-manifold, Dehn surgery, cubed manifold, Haken manifold
AMS subject classification.
Primary: 57M50. Secondary: 57N10.
E-print: arXiv:math.GT/0008245
Submitted: 24 September 1998.
(Revised: 14 November 1999.)
Published: 22 November 1999.
Notes on file formats
IR Aitchison and JH Rubinstein
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne
Parkville, Vic 3052, Australia
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