Geometry & Topology Monographs 1 (1998),
The Epstein Birthday Schrift,
paper no. 22, pages 451-478.
Coordinates for Quasi-Fuchsian Punctured Torus Space
John R Parker, Jouni Parkkonen
We consider complex Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates on the quasi-Fuchsian
space of punctured tori. These coordinates arise from a generalisation
of Kra's plumbing construction and are related to earthquakes on
Teichmueller space. They also allow us to interpolate between two
coordinate systems on Teichmueller space, namely the classical Fuchsian
space with Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates and the Maskit embedding. We
also show how they relate to the pleating coordinates of Keen and
Quasi-Fuchsian space, complex Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates,
pleating coordinates
AMS subject classification.
Primary: 20H10. Secondary: 32G15.
E-print: arXiv:math.GT/9810199
Submitted: 12 November 1997.
(Revised: 12 August 1998.)
Published: 27 October 1998.
Notes on file formats
John R Parker, Jouni Parkkonen
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Durham
Durham DH1 3LE, England
Department of Mathematics, University of Jyvaskyla
P.O.Box 35, FIN-40351 Jyvaskyla, Finland
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