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Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA)

SIGMA 19 (2023), 034, 13 pages      arXiv:2211.02413
Contribution to the Special Issue on Topological Solitons as Particles

Stable Kink-Kink and Metastable Kink-Antikink Solutions

Chris Halcrow and Egor Babaev
Department of Physics, KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, SE-10691 Sweden

Received February 21, 2023, in final form May 23, 2023; Published online June 01, 2023

We construct and study two kink theories. One contains a static 2-kink configuration with controllable binding energy. The other contains a locally stable non-topological solution, which we call a lavíon. The new models are 1D analogs of non-integrable systems in higher dimensions such as the Skyrme model and realistic vortex systems. To help construct the theories, we derive a simple expression for the interaction energy between two kinks.

Key words: solitons; defects.

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