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Actes de la table ronde de Géométrie Différentielle en l'honneur de Marcel Berger
Arthur L. Besse (éditeur)
Séminaires et Congrès 1 (1996), xviii+642 pages
Uwe Abresch - Victor Schroeder
Analytic manifolds of nonpositive curvature
Abstract and full text
Colette Anné
Formes différentielles sur des variétés avec des anses fines
Abstract and full text
Werner Ballmann - François Ledrappier
Discretization of positive harmonic functions on Riemannian manifolds and Martin boundary
Abstract and full text
Robert L. Bryant
Classical, exceptional, and exotic holonomies: a status report
Abstract and full text
Eugenio Calabi
Extremal isosystolic metrics for compact surfaces
Abstract and full text
Gilles Carron
Inégalités isopérimétriques de Faber-Krahn et conséquences
Abstract and full text
Yves Colin de Verdière
Le spectre du laplacien: survol partiel depuis le Berger-Gauduchon-Mazet et problèmes
Abstract and full text
Yves Colin de Verdière - Frédéric Mathéus
Empilements de cercles et approximations conformes
Abstract and full text
Philippe Delanoë
Équilinéarité et courbure scalaire conforme
Abstract and full text
Mikhael Gromov
Systoles and intersystolic inequalities
Abstract and full text
Karsten Grove
Ramifications of the classical sphere theorem
Abstract and full text
Emmanuel Hebey
From the Yamabe problem to the equivariant Yamabe problem
Abstract and full text
Norihito Koiso
On the motion of a curve towards elastica
Abstract and full text
Joachim Lohkamp
Ricci curvature modulo homotopy
Abstract and full text
Fernand Pelletier - Liane Valère Bouche
The problem of geodesics, intrinsic derivation and the use of control theory in singular sub-riemannian geometry
Abstract and full text
Hubert Pesce
Nilvariétés isospectrales
Abstract and full text
Katsuhiro Shiohama - Minoru Tanaka
Cut loci and distance spheres on Alexandrov surfaces
Abstract and full text
Takashi Shioya
Geometry of total curvature
Abstract and full text
Takao Yamaguchi
A convergence theorem in the geometry of Alexandrov spaces
Abstract and full text