PUBLICATIONS DE L'INSTITUT MATHÉMATIQUE (BEOGRAD) (N.S.) Vol. 51(65), pp. 101--114 (1992) |
On hypercylinders in conformally symmetric manifoldsRyszard DeszczDepartment of Mathematics, Agricultural University of Wroclaw C. Norwida 25, 50375 Wroclaw, PolandAbstract: {\bf Abstract}. Hypercylinders in conformally symmetric manifolds are considered. The main result is the following theorem: Let $(M,g)$ be a hypercylinder in a parabolic essentially conformally symmetric manifold $(N,\widetilde g)$, $\dim N\ge 5$ and let $\widetolde U$ be the subset od $N$ consisting of all points of $N$ at which the Ricci tensor $\widetilde S$ of $(N,\widetilde g)$ is not recurrent. If $\widetilde U\cap M$ is a dense subset of $M$, then $(M,g)$ is a conformally recurrent manifold. Classification (MSC2000): 53B25, 53B20 Full text of the article:
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