New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 28 (2022), 791-799


Sameer Chavan, Shubham Jain, and Paramita Pramanick

von Neumann's inequality for the Hartogs triangle

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Published: May 7, 2022.
Keywords: Hartogs triangle, commuting tuple, von Neumann inequality.
Subject: Primary 47A13; Secondary 32A10.

For a commuting pair T of bounded linear operators T1 and T2 on a Hilbert space H, let DT = T2*T2 -T1*T1. If T2* DT T2 ≤ DT and the Taylor spectrum of T is contained in the Hartogs triangle ΔH, then for any bounded holomorphic function φ on ΔH, ||φ(T)|| ≤ ||φ||. We deduce this fact from an analogue of von Neumann's inequality for bounded domains in Cd. The proof of the latter closely follows the model theory approach as developed in [1].



Author information

Sameer Chavan:
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Indian Institute of Technology
Kanpur, India


Shubham Jain:
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Indian Institute of Technology
Kanpur, India


Paramita Pramanick:
School of Mathematics
Harish-Chandra Research Institute
Chhatnag Road, Jhunsi, Allahabad 211019, India
