New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 24 (2018), 1123-1146


Xiangjun Wang and Zihong Yuan

The homotopy groups of L2T(m)/(p[(m/2)]+2, v1) for m>1

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Published: December 11, 2018.
Keywords: Stable homotopy, Adams-Novikov spectral sequence, chromatic spectral sequence.
Subject: Primary 55Q52, 55Q40.

Let T(m) be the Ravenel spectrum charaterized by the BP*-homology as
BP*[t1,...,tm]. Let T(m)/(v1) be the cofiber of map v1 and T(m)/(pk, v1) the cofiber of T(m)/(v1)'s self-map pk. In this paper we determine the homotopy groups of L2T(m)/(p[m/2]+2, v1) for m>1 by the Adams-Novikov spectral sequence.


The first author is supported by NSFC No. 11471167.

Author information

Xiangjun Wang:
School of Mathematical Science and LPMC
Nankai University
Tianjin 300071, China


Zihong Yuan:
Institute for Infocomm Research
1 Fusionopolis Way, #21-01 Connexis South Tower
Singapore 138632
