New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 20 (2014) 57-80


Neil Hindman and Lakeshia Legette Jones

Idempotents in βS that are only products trivially

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Published: January 21, 2014
Keywords: ultrafilters, strongly summable, strongly productive, Stone-Čech compactification, idempotents, Martin's Axiom, sparse
Subject: 03E50, 22A15, 54D35, 54D80

All results mentioned in this abstract assume Martin's Axiom. (Some of them are known to not be derivable in ZFC.) It is known that if S is the free semigroup on countably many generators, then there exists an idempotent p∈βS such that if q,r∈βS and qr=p, then q=r=p. We show that the same conclusion holds for the semigroups (N,⋅) and (F,∪) where F is the set of finite nonempty subsets of N. Such a strong conclusion is not possible if S is the free group on countably many generators or is the free semigroup on finitely many (but more than one) generators, since then any idempotent can be written as a product involving elements of S. But we show that in these cases we can produce p such that if q,r∈βS and qr=p, then either q=r=p or q and r satisfy one of the trivial exceptions that must exist. Finally, we show that for the free semigroup on countably many generators, the conclusion can be derived from a set theoretical assumption that is at least potentially weaker than what had previously been required.


The first author acknowledges support received from the National Science Foundation via Grant DMS-1160566. The second author acknowledges support received from the Simons Foundation via Grant 210296

Author information

Neil Hindman:
Department of Mathematics, Howard University, Washington, DC 20059, USA

Lakeshia Legette Jones:
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock, AR 72204, USA