New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 15 (2009) 125-132


Igor V. Nikolaev

On a Teichmüller functor between the categories of complex tori and the Effros-Shen algebras

Published: April 26, 2009
Keywords: Complex tori, AF-algebras
Subject: 14H52, 46L85

A covariant functor from the category of the complex tori to the category of the Effros-Shen algebras is constructed. The functor maps isomorphic complex tori to the stably isomorphic Effros-Shen algebras. Our construction is based on the Teichmüller theory of the Riemann surfaces.


Partially supported by NSERC

Author information

Fields Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, ON, Canada
Current Address: 101-315 Holmwood Ave., Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1S 2R2