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Schedule of Events
Municipal Auditorium Casa da Música
Saturday, 15 June 2002

14:30-15:30 Registration of conference participants

Inauguration of the conference
Greetings from the authorities

  • Lionel March
    "Architecture and Mathematics from the 1960s to the present "
  • João Pedro Xavier
    "Exposition and architectural analysis of a pair of works by Mestre Antonio Rodrigues"

As Sombras do Tempo ...
The Shadows of Time…

Opening Reception of the
Exhibit at the Solar da Praça de Santa Maria, Rua Direita, Óbidos

Sunday, 16 June 2002
Morning Session: "Measurement Old and New"

9:00-9:40 Robert Tavernor
Metre Rod: Rationality and the Triumph of the Irrational

Peter Schneider
Old Shoes, New Feet: The Puzzle of the First Square in Ancient Egyptian Architecture
10:50-11:30 Sylvie Duvernoy
Architecture and mathematics in Roman Amphitheatres
11:40-12:20 Richard Padovan
Dom Hans van der Laan and the Plastic Numbers

Sunday, 16 June 2002
Afternoon Session: "Architecture and Mathematics
in the 17th and 18th Centuries"

14:30-15:30 Alberto Pérez-Gómez
Charles-Etienne Briseux's Musical Analogy and the Limits of Instrumentality in Architecture
15:40-16:20 John Hatch
The Science behind Borromini's Divine Geometry
16:40-17:20 Rumiko Handa
COELUM BRITANNICUM: Inigo Jones and Symbolic Geometry
17:30-18:10 Randy Swanson
Practical and Theoretical Applications of Geometry at Claude Perrault's Observatoire de Paris

Monday, 17 June 2002
Morning Session: "Architecture and Mathematics
in the Middle Ages"

8:30-9:30 Marie-Thérèse Zenner
Structural Stability and the Mathematics of Motion in Medieval Architecture
9:40-10:20 Anthony Scibilia
Perspective Before Perspective: The Spaces of Medieval Architecture

 Andrew I-kang Li
Algorithmic Architecture in 12th-century China: The Yingzao Fashi
11:30-12:10 Vini Nathan
Vastu Geometry: Beyond Building Codes
12:20-13:00 Alpay Özdural
The Use of Cubic Equations in Islamic Art and Architecture

Monday, 17 June 2002
Afternoon Session

14:30-15:10 Steven Fleming
Louis Kahn's Platonic Approach to Number and Geometry
15:20-16:00 Peter Proudfoot and Graham Pont
From Cosmic City to Esoteric Cinema: Pythagorean Mathematics and Design in Australia
16:30-18:30 Nexus 2002 Round Table Discussion
Judith Flagg Moran, Moderator

Tuesday, 18 June 2002
Morning Session: "Computer Tools for Architecture and Mathematics"

8:30-9:00 Jean Brangé
An Introduction of Mathematical Concepts to Architecture Students

Ulrich Kortenkamp
Will Dynamic Geometry software make Descriptive Geometry easier, or obsolete?

Robert Scharein
Topological Drawing Applications in Architecture

Vesna Petresin and Laurent-Paul Robert
The Double Moebius Strip Studies

Jürgen Richter-Gebert
12:15-12:30  Closing Remarks
 14:30-19:30 Post-Conference Excursion to Alcobaça and Batalha

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| Post-Conference Excursion |  As Sombras do Tempo ... | Related Sites on the WWW | Contact Information | Nexus Network Journal |

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