M. Ruzickova, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Transport and Communications, J. M. Hurbana 15, 010 26 Zilina, Slovakia, e-mail: mirr@uvt.utc.sk
Abstract: We are interested in comparing the oscillatory and asymptotic properties of the equations $L_n [x(t)-P(t) x(g(t))]+\delta f(t,x(h(t)))=0$ with those of the equations $M_n [x(t)-P(t) x(g(t))]+\delta Q(t)q(x(r(t)))=0.$
Keywords: neutral differential equations, oscillatory (nonoscillatory) solution, property $\Cal A$, property $\Cal B$, quasi-derivatives
Classification (MSC2000): 34K40, 34K25
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