Katedra matematiky, Fakulta elektrotechnicka CVUT, Technicka 2, 166 27 Praha 6
Abstract: In this paper the plane Laguerre's geometry in the augmented plane of dual numbers is presented. Basic integral and differential invariants of $\cal L$-curves in the plane are deduced, i.e. the $\cal L$-curve arc, $\cal L$-curvature, $\cal L$-minimal curves, $\cal L$-circle. Furthermore the contact of $\cal L$-curves, $\cal L$-osculating circle, $\cal L$-evolute of a curve and some special $\cal L$-motions are studied from the point of view of $\cal L$-Differential geometry.
Keywords: Laguerre geometries
Classification (MSC91): 51B15
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